1. You're sure?

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Wearing your t-shirt
I'm queen of the night
One hand on the wheel and
one hand on my thigh
And I know it sounds crazy but babe I am too
I just can't turn my back to you
-Hey Violet

JJ and Kie were driving away from the Island Club, leaving the event early after finally confessing their feelings for each other openly. JJ had stopped at the stop sign, putting the vehicle in park so they could make out.

Kie didn't see the car heading their way but she saw light suddenly flood JJ's face and then his eyes widened before everything spun.

The force of the car slamming into the passenger side pushed them across the road, nearing the ditch. JJ having the car in park prevented them from flying further. Kie felt her head slam against the window as the crunch of metal and screech of tires echoed around them. Then, for a brief moment, it was all silent.

Kie's mind was trying to catch up, what happened? She couldn't hear JJ beside her, asking her if she was okay. Everything was moving so slowly. She blinked trying to focus, she was so tired. She hadn't looked over to JJ yet, feeling like she was frozen, staring at the vehicle that collided with them. She felt cold.

When JJ saw the car just before it hit them, he immediately reached for Kie. There was nothing he could do though. He barely gripped her before the force slammed his body back. When they stopped his first thought was about her. The car had hit her side. He called her name but she looked like she was in shock and didn't respond.

He watched Kie reach her hand to her head, holding it like it hurt. When she pulled it back and stared, he saw her hand stained red with blood.

"JJ..." she said, her hand starting to shake.

"Fuck!" He cursed, unbuckling his seatbelt. "Kie look at me," he said trying to turn her face towards him so he could see her injuries. She had a gash on the side of her forehead, but he couldn't tell if there was anything else. There had to be, a fucking car hit her.

Kie's head started to feel heavy in his hands as he continued placing pressure to the open wound with only his hands, having nothing near him to stop the bleeding. "Kie, stay awake," JJ said, panicking, and trying to draw her attention back to him. She was struggling to keep her eyes open. "Stay awake, Kie!"

JJ felt a hand on him, gripping his shoulder and attempting to force him out of the way. He fought back not knowing who it was.

"JJ!" Shoupe shouted, breaking through JJ's focus on the Carrera girl. He had been trying to get the boy's attention but was unsuccessful until he was yelling in his ear.

JJ hadn't heard the sirens approach, too focused on Kie to notice anything else. He stared at Shoupe, finally registering that a first responder was on the scene. "Help her!"

Shoupe pulled JJ from the vehicle, not able to reach Kie from the passenger side due to the other car still crushed into it.

JJ walked backwards a few feet, placing his hands on the top of his head and gripping his hair. He saw the flash of blue and red alternate the scene around him, this couldn't be real. He waved off a paramedic that wanted to look at him and watched Shoupe evaluate Kie, checking her pulse and shining a small flashlight in her the eyes as he asked her questions. She was mumbling answers but she was awake.

Please stay awake, he thought.

Shoupe waved a pair of paramedics over and let them do their own assessment. Shoupe made his way towards JJ, holding his hands up as he slowly approached him. He could tell the boy was shaken and worried. Probably in shock and didn't want him running off.

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