not easy

91 15 11

To the delivery from, type and tharn we're to the other wall, standing a bit apart, since type was very much mad at his vampire, given he was filled to the brim with his cum, to be very concerned if he could have got pregnant again to be eyeing over buin who was to the table to have his head lifted back to be in extreme amount of pain, tria was right next to him with his hands to the railing to be eyeing over.
They all then looked to the doctor who then came in with a face to then look up to eye everyone to then go to stand to the other side of buin.
"I'm..... So very sorry...."
"Sorry! For what!" Tria half yelled.
"With all your tests coming back has low has they are..... You two need to make a decision."
Buin breathed heavily has he started to feel very weak between the contractions to loll his head to the side to look over the doctor.
"What...... Decisions?"
"Unfortunately, you can not have this baby has a human..... Given your daughter is a half breed, she is taking your blood has we speak...... So...... You need to decide to either have us..... Do a late term abortion.......or try to go through the labor where you will most likely not.......or...... You need to be turned. Those are our only options at this point. We must make this quick or we can lose you both."
Buins eyes widened, has did types and tharns, tria looked over the doctor to then look to buin.
"What...... What do you want to do?"
Buin slowly turned his head to look over tria to sign.
"No matter..... What decision I make.......I hate you for any of them!"
Tria made a hard face to watch has buin turned his head to the doctor.
"!........Fuck! Don't want to be a..... Vampire! Can I be......aaah half!"
The doctor nodded.
"That you can, now would you like to be made that way through our way or by mr. Xian?"
Buins face then went really red to place his hands to either side of the bed frame to grip to start to push.
Buin lifted his head back.
"The baby....... She's coming out now!"
"That's impossible, you need a c section."
Buin removed the blanket that was covering his lower for the doctor to widened his eyes has did tria to what they were seeing.
Type and tharn tried to look about for the doctor to then turn to call for emergency help where they came in to push type and tharn with tria out.
Tria turned his head to eye back.
"No! Stop it! My man needs me!"
Buin lifted his head back to scream has the baby was defiantly coming out.
The doctor turned his head to call over.
"Nurse! Let mr. Xian back in Right now!"
The nurse dropped there arms for tria to turn to go quickly about has another nurse shut the door, type and tharn turned to look dumbfounded forward then looked to the other.
"How can the baby come out?"
Type raised an eye brow.
Tharns lips parted to then look towards the door once more.
"How is that possible?"
Type and tharn looked forward to hear pain screaming for it to then stop to hear a baby cry, type made a face to slip by the nurses to go straight in to widened his eyes with tharn behind him, buin was moved up to have his mouth to trias forarm to be sucking his blood has there was a bite mark to his neck that was slowly starting to heal, type looked about to then turn his head to eye over his grand daughter who cooed but didn't cry, he then went to her to eye over, she looked up to him to smile and wide to have his eyes, red with a dash of brown.
Type couldn't help but to smile looking down at her, tharn eyed about to then go to buins side has he let trias forarm go to lift his head back to shuffle about very uncomfortable has he started to change into a half breed while holding tightly to trias hand.
Tria looked over him with a very sullen face to feel so very horrible.
Tharn eyed over this to then look over his son.
Tria shook his head he didn't want to talk, has the pain went away, buin turned his head to breathe slower to dart his eyes about has red and blue swirled to make a face.
"I...... Want my daughter."
Type turned to look to buin to nod to then gather her has she was looked at to have a blanket placed about to go to buin who took his hand roughly away from trias to then move to his side, back to him to lay next to his daughter to eye over her with a giant smile.
"You are so.... Beautiful.....Leila."
Tria tilted his head, they hadent thought of any baby names yet.
Buin snapped his head to look over tria with anger.
"Fuck off!"
Trias lips parted to then hang his head to look down to then go about to leave, buin slowly watched him go to then cuddle with his daughter, to feel only love for her at this moment, tharn eyed over them to then turn to go to his son, type watched them go to then eye buin.
"What..... Are you feeling right now?"
Buin signed.
"Hatred..... Towards tria...... Believe this is what dora felt after she had chaiya. I'm so sorry type.......I don't want to have anything to do with your son right now."
Type made a face.
"I'm..... Very sorry.....if that is the case, you still need to...... Work something out with tria, Leila is his child also."
Buin made a hard face has tears then started to go down and has his hatred started to go away, he then widened his eyes to look to type.
"I...... Want tria to come back."
Type looked over buin confused to then nod.
Leila looked up at her mother, father to then smirk, for even has an infant she had an ability to make buin want tria, lelia even though she was a few minutes born, knew she wanted her family together.
Type then went about to go to tharn and tria has they spoke low to let tria know for him to eye over type to then go back to the room, buin looked to him to take in a deep breathe.
"Want..... To see your daughter?"
Tria nodded to then go to her, to pick her up to smile. She was so very adorable.
Buin took in a very deep breathe, to eye over tria.
"I'm..... Not very happy with how everything went down today tria.... Not happy I'm this.... Thing."
Tria held lelia closer.
"I.... Know....."
Buin then moved up to sit to eye over the two.
"We..... Need to get Married in my custom and yours. Need that blood ring."
Tria moved his head up to eye over buin.
"But..... Do you love me buin?"
Leila slowly turned her head to look to him, to have her abilities be off, even at this age, she wanted to know has well. This girl was going to be very gifted.
Feeling everything his daughter was giving to him go away, his other emotions, hormones were coming to play has he was changed, to look over tria.
"I'm..... Feeling.... And going through a lot right now tria...... But...... You need to know......I do love you."
Trias lips parted to then smile and wide to go closer for buin to move for them to be both laying to the bed to have lelia to the middle to coo has they eyed her, type and tharn we're under the door frame to eye, for type to make a face to turn his head to eye over tharn who then turned his head.
"Your.... Still a asshole!"
Tharn raised an eye brow to watch type turn to leave to then look over this heart warming moment to make a face.
Wonder if type is capable of..... Delivering like....hmm?

destined part 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora