this is taking too long!

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Laying to the bed to his back, tine looked to the ceiling with a face, he then peered his eyes down to see type come in after knocking on his door, tine slowly got up to eye over him to shake his head.
Type made a hard face to then go forth to then sit to the edge to look him over.
"I'm sorry tine. I'm really trying."
Tine signed to hang his head..
"It's been.....6 months..... And nothing. I don't even know if audia is alive anymore."
"Don't think like that."
"Can't help it type. I've been reading a lot about real true vampires. It scares me."
Type placed his hand to tines leg for comfort.
"I know. Trust me I know."
Tine slowly looked up to eye over type..
"How..... Did you manage to survive your father? You told me...."
"He deserted my mother and I. I've heard from my grandfather, he told anara if anything happened to me or my mother, he would make sure to destroy him. That's the only reason why he didn't....."
Tine placed his hand over types to then roll his eyes to shake his head .
"Well, to make light of the situation. Still can't believe you haven't aged. You look exactly has you did when we first met. Other then me."
"There are serums I made tine that can slow the aging process."
Tine made a face.
"Sarawat and I agreed not too....."
Tine widened his eyes has type was pulled away, he then got up to eye over tharn.
"It's not what you...."
"The two of you are holding hands! This is my half breed tine! You're married!" He said through his teeth.
Type rolled his eyes to then place his hand to tharns to then turn to pull.
"I'll deal with my vampire tine. I'm sorry for this."
Tine watched them go to then go back down to his back to place his hands over his eyes.
I need to find my son and get away from tharn!
To there room, tharn took his hand away to eye over type.
"Knew there was something still going on with...."
Tharns eyes widened has type pressed his mouth to his to then wrap his arms about.
Tharn then placed his hands to his chest to push him back to eye over him.
"Do not distract me type. I am hella pissed off! You were holding your ex lovers hand!"
Type rolled his eyes.
"I never had sex with tine! Now if you want to actually make love to me, you need to stop this line of thinking right now!"
Tharn looked type over to then move his hands down to his legs to make type jump up to then start to take them to there bed to directly eye him.
"I am going to mark you everywhere type!"
Type smiled to then place his mouth back to tharns for a hard kiss.
Waking to his side, audia took in a deep breathe to then move to his back to turn his head to look over the empty space to sign, audia then got slowly up to eye about.
Audia made a face over the silence, to then get slowly up and off the bed to go to the corner of the room to tilt his head to eye over his body to then place a hand to his stomach.
When am I going to start to show? Am I really even pregnant?
Audia shook his head to then go about the bed to go to the bathroom to then take a very relaxing shower, he had the water to his neck to have his head hung to grit his teeth, he was so very hard.
Audia placed his forehead to the wall, to then close his eyes closed to they place a hand to the wall to flex his fingers upon it to then take his other hand to his dick to try to stroke to then move himself away from the way to then turn his head to eye over chaiya who looked wide eyed at him.
"Excuse me? What do you think your doing?"
Audia whimpered.
"I'm sorry...... It was starting..... Is hurting me...."
Chaiya raised an eye brow to then step closer to place his body to his to let his hands go to wrap his arms about to place his hand between audias pectorals to reach his fingers out to play with either nipple.
Audia lifted his head back to moan and deep.
Chaiya smirked has audia placed both his hands to the wall to thrust his groin up but didn't try to touch himself again, he knew he was in a punishment with the vampire for trying to find the phone again.
He then went to his ear.
"Should I also touch something you naughty boy."
Audia kept moaning.
"Aaah please! I' Be good!"
Chaiya then took out his tongue to trace it about his ear, to then place his other hand to his cock to stroke to then dive right in with his cock.
After, chaiya dressed, was standing to the edge of the bed to have a towel over audias head to be drying his hair to eye the action, audia who was still without clothing took in a deep breathe.
"I..... Don't think I'm..... Actually pregnant."
Chaiya tilted his head to the side.
"Why do you think that?"
"Well.... I'm 6 months, not even showing."
"It takes a male years. Trust me on that."
Audia signed.
"Can..... Can I please call my father's?"
Chaiya scoffed to then toss the towel to the side to then place his hand gently to audias throat, audia looked up to keep his arms in-between his legs.
"You have me audia."
Audia made a face has he looked over chaiya.
"For now."
Chaiya raised an eye brow.
"You lead yourself to that fate after what you did."
"Chaiya.......I didn't do it on purpose!"
Chaiyas eyes narrowed to then squeeze a bit at his throat.
"Are you really giving me a tone?"
Audia gulped to then move his hands up to chaiyas to then push it away to then turn about to go under the covers to his side to place himself in a semi fetal position with his brow Furrowed.
"You're being bad."
Audia signed.
"Chaiya.......I want to be alone."
Chaiya ruthlessly smirked to then place his hands to his shirt to then take it over his head to toss it to the side to then take down his boxers to then get under the covers to move close to audia to wrap his arms about him to hold tight, to then ram himself in, audia lifted his head back to moan and hard.
"You gave that up...... Long ago....."
Audia curled his bottom lip inward to move his body with his to have a lone tear fall down has he thought of his father's and wished he could talk to them.

destined part 2Where stories live. Discover now