all have to talk about this

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Waking a bit later, type got up to take a solo shower to then go about to get dressed, tharn moved up on his elbows with a blanket drapped about his lower to watch over type.
"What are you up to now?"
Type dressed to keep his head hung..
"Need to talk to my mother."
Tharn flexed his jaw to sit up to continue to eye over him.
"Talk to her about what?"
Type signed to turn to eye over tharn with a hard expression.
"You know why. I need you to go and clear the house, I don't want anyone, especially turka to hear what I need to talk to...... Tharn...."
Tharn had gone to type to wrap his arms about him.
"No type."
Type rolled his eyes.
"This isn't up for discussion."
Tharn placed his hand to types neck to turn his head to look over him.
"I know it's not. Forgive me."
Type looked to tharn a bit confused to then see blackness.
Tharn picked up his half breed to place him to the bed to look over him has he watched him sleep silently.
"What I do, is for you and this family."
Tharn Darted his eyes to then turn to go see boonire.
To the kitchen, boonire had her phone to her ear, between her shoulder to be talking to her daughter who was to America in the doctor field to talk to her mother about her two crazy kids, boonire then looked up to eye tharn in a bit of anger has he took the phone away to hang up.
"Tharn I was talking to...."
Tharn placed the phone down to look over her.
"We need to talk about.....anara."
Boonire widened her eyes to then look about to shake her head to look down to continue to chop.
"Not without type."
Tharn raised an eye brow..
"We are not discussing this with him. We need to talk about it."
Boonire signed.
"You two really are of the same."
Tharn then peered his eyes to the side has he saw two of his twins go to boonire.
Boonire nodded to then place the chopped oranges to the bowls to give it to them for them to turn.
She watched them go to then eye tharn.
"I won't talk to you about him, without type. Told type the same when he rendered you unconscious. This is a family matter tharn. It is something type needs to know. I know you want to do it all on your own, spare my child, however not this time."
"The stress of this, has almost cost his life and the lives of my children, this needs to proceed without him."
Boonire signed to shake her head.
"It can't. You do this without type, you try, he will be released, I can guarantee you that."
Tharns lips parted to then turn his head to the side to look at one pissed off half breed.
"Type.... Let me..."
A few of there children who were going about stopped to look wide eyed at there parents, type breathed heavily has he smacked tharn across his face and hard, boonire looked to them to shake her head.
"And you two wonder why your children think you're going to get divorced."
Tharn flexed his jaw to slowly look to type to shake his head to then place him over his shoulder to take them back to the bedroom, type kicked.
"Tharn let me go you son of a!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to go back to the bedroom to place type to the bed, to place his hands to either side to look him over.
Type breathed hard to thrash about.
"Let me..."
"Shut up!"
Type gulped to look over one serious looking vampire.
"What you did, is not at all okay! Our children saw!"
Type made a hard face to turn his head to look to the side.
"What you did....."
"What I did does not at all compare to what you did type! Since Miro and mita everyone keeps thinking we're getting a divorce because of you! This is not... "
Tharn then straightened up to turn his head to see boonire come in, type moved up on his forarms to look at her for his ears to turn red.
Boonire looked to them to go closer to wrap her arms about.
"You two are still like you were when you two were 16."
Type Darted his eyes over his mother to then move his hands to tharn to push him off to then get up to stand next to the bed to hang his head.
Boonire looked to them to step forward.
"I talked to the children. It's all okay. However you two really need couples therapy. Type, tharn.... We all need to talk about Anara."
Tharn looked over boonire to then get up to shake his head.
"Boonire, I've told you...."
Type stepped forward.
"Mom, your right, we all need to talk about it."
Tharn stood to eye over type.
Type looked to tharn.
"We all need to talk about this. I told you we needed to wait for another pregnancy, knew this needed to wait. But no you need to...."
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
"Your still pregnant now type, boonire and I will discuss this."
"I am not discussing anything without you both."
Boonire turned to start to leave.
Type looked to his mother.
"Mom don't leave."
Boonire stopped to turn to eye over them.
"Tharn, I know what your trying to do. However type is the one who can help keep his father locked up. Do you understand?"
Tharn Darted his eyes over type to then go to sit to the edge of the bed to eye down.
"There has to be another way."
Boonire wrapped her arms about to shake her head.
"Unfortunately there isn't. Now can we all be grown ups now and talk?"
Type stepped forward to then go to sit next to tharn to place his hand to his to look him over to then look to his mother.
"Believe so."
Tharn made a hard face has they began.

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