True Love!!

211 7 18

You, the Humane 7, Team RWBY, and Tippi arrive at Count Bleck's room. 

Tippi: I think I can sense it. 

Twilight: The Chaos Heart? 

Tippi: Yes. 


Count Bleck and Nastasia were nearby. 

Bleck: I see you've come at last! So you really are the hero of the Light Prognosticus.

(Y/N): You bet we have! 

Ruby: We're here to stop you! 

Sunset: Now get ready for a beating! 

 Bleck: But you are far too late to stop the Dark Prognosticus and me... Count Bleck! All worlds will soon end. Come to grips with that now, for you cannot stop it. I suggest you make yourself comfortable and enjoy this one, final spectacle!

Tippi: But...why? Do you really want to destroy everything? Why would you do this?! How...COULD you do this?!

Bleck: Count Bleck does not care about any world! They are all meaningless. Better that I destroy them! Better yet, I shall make it as if they never existed at all!

Tippi: If the worlds have no meaning, was our meeting meaningless as well? Answer me, Blumiere!

Bleck looked down in sadness. 

Bleck: You know the answer, dear Timpani... Count Bleck does not have to tell you... But the hour has grown too late. You should know that by now.

Tippi: Blumiere... ......................... My love, Blumiere... Or rather, Count Bleck... The only way we can stop this is to defeat you..

Bleck: BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! Very well! But I will also do what I must! Count Bleck is the deleter of worlds! My fate is written in the Dark Prognosticus! Do not think for a moment that I will hesistate to strike you down. ALL NOW ENDS! Now Nastasia, leave us. 

Nastasia: WHAT?! B-But Count- 

Bleck: I will not ask again. 

Nastasia: Yeah, okay Count. 

She teleports away. 

Bleck: Now, are you ready? 

He begins to attack as you guys start moving and- 

Twilight: NOW! 

The Humane 7 go into their Pony forms, and blast Count Bleck, and then- 


Weiss and Blake go to attack, and use their Semblances to attack back! 

And then- 

(Y/N): RUBY, YANG!! 

Yang launched you, and you grabbed Ruby, and you did a spinning attack on the Count, but- 

Nothing worked. 

Bleck: Is that all you got? 

Tippi: No. It's the Chaos Heart! It's protecting him! 

Everyone: WHAT?! 

Bleck: I will watch your game end, and then your precious worlds will end soon after!

He prepares to use magic, but- 

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