Fort Francis!!

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Right before you all was a big fortress. 

Bowser: So, this is where that Dweeb, Francis lives? PBTH! What does this castle have over mine? 

(Y/N): I don't know. But, we better go in and find Tippi. I'm getting worried about her. 


Tippi was locked in a cage as Francis was taking photos of her. 

Francis: Nerrrrr herrr herrrr herrrrrr! This is so hi-technicaaaaaal! Yessss! Shake that thorax! The digibutter.nerr forum guys will be sooo jealous when I post these shots online!

Tippi: GUYS!! HELP ME!!! 

On another hand... 

You have everyone disguised as ... Pizza Delivery men and- 

(Y/N): Um ... hello! Get a fresh hot steaming pizza for a Mr. Francis? 

The security camera looks, and soon nods, allowing you guys to enter. 

Several robots were patrolling, and there were statues of naked anime girls, and well ... posters of Hentai, and- 

(Y/N): Yep, an Otaku's paradise. 

Twilight: These are- 

The girls blushed and closed their eyes. 

(Y/N): I'm going to enjoy beating this freak into submission. Bowser? 


You both joined hands on it. 

Sunset: Wait, did they just- 

Blake: Hell must be freezing over. 

And so... 

The girls entered into Francis' room. 


Francis: What the? Hey, how did- WOAH! HOT GIRLS IN ROOM!! This is- 

He begins to sweat and start to get nervous. 

Rainbow: Yo! Yeah, we're a bunch of hot looking babes, now hand over the Butterfly! 

Francis: Wha-What do I... Oh man... REAL GIRLS in my room! This is so hi-technicaaaal! N-Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr... calm...calm down... I'm get-get-get-get... Getting w-way too excited... Sweatles...forming... Can't talk to...girls... Must get... my...laptop...from...Frannypack...

He gets out his laptop and starts typing. 

Francis: Booting up Swoon.exe! Activating Nerr2Babe interface mod with real-time wooing!

Girls: WAIT, WHAT?! 

Everything seemed to be like a dating simulator game. 

Francis: Hello, welcome to my fortress! Awesome, right? 

Weiss: Much like your ego? Yeah. 

Francis: Woah, a real Tsundere! Awesome! 

Weiss: Ugh! Man, this nerd is getting on my nerves. 

Francis: So, do you think I could have you sign these? 

He handed out posters of what seemed to be magical girl stuff. 

Peach: Uh ... okay? 

Sunset: Whatever. 

Francis: Oh this is so freaking schweet! 

Pinkie: Okay, that's enough for you.

Pinkie pulled out a Bob-Omb from her hair. 

Francis: Huh? 

She threw it at Francis' laptop. 




And that explosion also disabled a protection barrier that allowed you and Bowser to get in! 

(Y/N): Okay, we got you!

Bowser: Time for a beating. 

Fracnis: You're not taking my Francine and you can't make me! 

He stuck his tongue out, only for you to grab it and slam him down, and then Bowser punched the ground! 

Bowser: That was a warning. 

(Y/N): And also a our threat. 

Francis: Uh ... and there's my ride! 

He begins to run away. 

You then broke down Tippi's cage! 

Tippi: You guys! You came! 

(Y/N): Of course. We were worried about you. 

Fluttershy: Are you okay? 

Tippi: I- .. I- ... I- Thank you! 

And then from out of Tippi, came a green colored heart! 

Everyone: HUH!? 

Bowser: What is that? 


Tippi: I guess ... it must have been from my happiness? Well, I guess that's another one for us. 

Peach: I think it's sweet. 

(Y/N): That makes 4! Only four more to find! 

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