Clanky Woods!!

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You and Kirby had to deal with various mechanical robot guards.

(Y/N): These guys are plentiful!

Kirby: POYO!!

He begins drilling through them and the robot also uses a copy ability from the robot to get a sword function!

(Y/N): Wow!! That's pretty cool!

Kirby: Poyo.

Kirby helped you in taking down any enemies, but then-

A giant robot tree appears!

(Y/N): What the?!

(Y/N): What the?!

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Clanky Woods

(Y/N): Uh ...

It began to fire cannonballs from it's mouth cannon, and then it tried pinching, but you used GER to have roots come out of the ground and stop the robot in its tracks!

(Y/N): NICE!! Now let's take it down!!

Kirby: POYO!!

The robot tries to attack back, but you punch it in the eye damaging its vision!

(Y/N): Okay, let's have some of this! FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!

The flames are damaging the robot, and Kirby sees the opportunity to slash at it with his blades!

The more damage caused the robot to be malfunctioning.

(Y/N): I'm not going to like these guys.

Kirby: Poyo!

(Y/N): I agree with you there Kirbo. Let's give them a good old beatdown!


???: Hmph. Let's see what they'll do against the Holo Defenses in Resolution Road!!

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