Turnabout Time Traveler (Second Investigation Part 2!!)

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Flying Chapel... Hold...

(Y/N): Hmph. This is where Pierce orchestrated the whole cover-up operation... We'd better go over this place with a fine-tooth comb.

Maya: What does that mean?

Phoenix: Means, let nothing out of our sight.

Maya: Okay! Hey, wait a second. Weren't we supposed to need a key card to get in here?

(Y/N): Oh yeah. Why is it unlocked.

???: Hey, guys!

Ema appeared.

(Y/N): Ema! What are you doing here?

Ema: Just a little independent investigating, for my own sake. Gotta keep the mind sharp!

Phoenix: We're also here to conduct our own investigation. Is that okay?

Ema: Yeah, sure. The police just finished their examination anyway. Oh, right! You should know that the floor doubles as a huge lift. You can use that lever way back there to raise it up to the vista deck. The police inspected it already, but didn't find anything of particular interest, it seems. If you do go up to the vista deck with the lift, be careful not to fall off!

(Y/N): Got it! Thanks Ema!

Ema: That goes double for you, Maya!

Maya: Yes, ma'am!

And so... you guys conducted another investigation...

(Y/N): Any progress with your investigation, Ema?

Ema: Nothing conclusive yet, I'm afraid. Almost everybody was involved with the cover-up... ...so it's hard to know who or what to believe.

(Y/N): I know what you mean.

Ema: Unless you have some compelling evidence, I'm afraid it's going to be a tough trial for you guys.

(Y/N): You're telling me... There isn't much time left, so we've just got to make do and see what we can turn up.

Then you turned and noticed that Phoenix and Maya were gone!

(Y/N): Phoenix?! May-

They both returned.

Phoenix: Maya!!

Maya: Sorry.

(Y/N): You two need to be more careful!

Phoenix: Yeah, we- What the?!

Blood was on the lift.

(Y/N): Is that Gloomsbury's blood?

They also found a candelabra.

(Y/N): Hey, know anything about this?

Ema: Let me see. I do know that it has Gloomsbury's fingerprints on it. A- Hey! One of the pins that hold the candles is broken.

Phoenix: Really?

Ema: Call it forensic investigator's intuition! We already dusted this for prints earlier... ...so let's test it with luminol this time!

She went on to do her testing, and-

(Y/N): BLOOD!!

Ema: Maybe somebody got hurt while they were setting up for the reception? These pins are pretty sharp.

Phoenix: But if one of the pins is broken... ...it means there was some force involved. Do you think maybe somebody got stabbed?

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