Opening the Thousand Year Door!!

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With Bowser and Kamek...

The two had arrived at Poshley Sanctum.

Bowser: Great! About time something worked out for old Bowser! In we go!

Kamek: We'll be able to find a Crystal Star for real, Lord Bowser!

They go to the door, but it's locked.

Bowser: DAMN IT!!

Bowser in his anger destroys the lock.

Bowser: Whoa, baby! Awesome! It opened! Talk about lucky! I guess rage really pays!

They enter the Sanctum.

And so...

Bowser: FINALLY!!

He grabs the Crystal Star, only for Pennington to appear.

Pennington: You there! I have you now, villains! You...are common thieves! Aren't you? AREN'T YOU??? My eyes never deceive!

Bowser: What are you implying? I'm no little thief! I'm Bowser, the Remorseless King of Evil! So I'll take what I want! And I want THIS!

Pennington shook with fear.

Pennington: ...Uh-oh. B-Bowser, you say? Remorseless King of... What was that last bit, again? Yes, well, no matter! Hmm... Yes... Yes... I... So I deduced! Ahem! Then listen well! That Crystal Star is actually a veritable red herring! Yes! A fake!


He dropped it, and it shattered.

Kamek: But look at this fancy display! The pedestal and everything! It's so posh! If it's a fake, then where's the real one, huh?

Pennington: If you must know, I gave the real one to (Y/N).

Bowser: WHAT?!

He began to pop two blood vessels and his eyes were red like blood!

Kamek: Lord Bowser?

Bowser: NO!!!

Kamek: Oh no.

Bowser then suddenly snapped back as he felt something.

Bowser: Where am I? Why are you here? Where's (Y/N)?

Pennington: Didn't he leave?

Bowser: Yes, yes. He did. I-


A Paragoomba flies in!

Kamek: Ah... Paragoomba! What are you so worked up over, hmm? Tell me!

Paragoomba: It's (Y/N)! He's heading for the Thousand Year Door!

Bowser really grew red with rage as now-


Bowser races off!

Kamek: Wait! Lord Bowser!

Paragoomba: Wait up!

Pennington just watched as the villains left.

Pennington: Well done, Lad!

Back with you guys...

You all came back to Rogueport.

(Y/N): We're back.

Exiting the room, you guys spotted-

Professor Frankly: Over here my friends!

Ruby: Professor!

(Y/N): No time to talk Professor! The X-Naut Boss has Peach and is taking her behind the Thousand Year Door!

Professor Frankly: Ah-HAAAAAAAAAAH! Just a bit ago, I smelled some rank air and went to the Thousand-Year Door... I saw a suspicious fellow in a cape go through the door...with Princess Peach!!!

Weiss: What? But I thought the door wouldn't open without the Crystal Stars.

Professor Frankly: Believe me, I know, but I'm quite certain of it! I saw it with my own eyes! I have a very bad feeling about this! VERY bad! Princess Peach is in danger! Time is short! We must go to the Thousand-Year Door and rescue the princess! I'll run ahead and meet you there! Don't dawdle! You must come immediately!

And so...

Everyone stood back as you stood on the pedestal and presented all 7 Crystal Stars!

They all took their place and shined brightly!

Everyone: WOAH!

The Thousand Year Door proceeded to light up! And cracks formed on the walls!

With that finished, it creaked open!

Professor Frankly: At long last, the entrance to the Palace of Shadow has been opened! Before Princess Peach falls victim to that fiend... Before he takes over the world... You must rescue the princess and stop this cataclysm!

(Y/N): Right! Everyone ready?

Everyone: YEAH!

(Y/N): Let's go!

You all walked into the Thousand Year Door as it closed shut behind you.

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