Saving a Quad of Spies!!!

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You leap from the plane and get ready to parachute all the way to the ground below. 

(Y/N): Okay, here goes. I need to find a way to get in and fast. 

First, you start to sense if there's any energy nearby. 

And you managed to pick up four life signals, who are located down below. 

(Y/N): Okay, it's hero time! Let's do this!!

You make your way down all the way to the underground section of a nearby casino. 

(Y/N): If a greedy bad guy were to hide out somewhere, it would be around here. 

Though there seemed to be a lot of thick glass around the area. 

(Y/N): I guess that's where I use the Blowtorch Mascara! 

With the use of that Blowtorch Mascara, you manage to make a few entrances through the thick glass, and then you started to overhear some conversations going on. 

???: And then when I fire my goldifier, I'm going to coat the entire world in gold! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! 

(Y/N): Huh? 

Some guy with a bunch of gold teeth, and a black helmet was literally laughing about the success of his new plan! 

And you noticed that four girls were tied up nearby. 

Sam Clover and Alex (These Three are the top agents of WOOHP! They are high schoolers who live in Beverly Hills! Jerry usually calls them to work straight out of nowhere! Alex is an athletic tomboy, Sam is the most intelligent of the three and is ...

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Sam Clover and Alex (These Three are the top agents of WOOHP! They are high schoolers who live in Beverly Hills! Jerry usually calls them to work straight out of nowhere! Alex is an athletic tomboy, Sam is the most intelligent of the three and is very sweet, and Clover is the girliest and most flirtatious of the three!) 

Clover: I seriously cannot get over the fact that this guy wants to goldify everything! No chances to catch the waves, and that's a serious bust when it comes to- 

Sam: Clover, now's not the time! 

Alex: You're not going to get away with this! I'll worm my way out of here, and free my friends, and- 

Villain: Oh, I don't think so. Those ropes are stainless steel. You can't break out of those no matter how hard you tried to break them. 

???: Typical of you guys. Always being the one to brag about the- 


Britney (Newest Recruit to WOOHP! She's a cheerful girl who is great friends with Alex, Sam, and Clover, even if Alex thinks she's annoying! Captain of the Cheer Squad and a master of Chess! Like Sam, she's pretty smart!) 

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Britney (Newest Recruit to WOOHP! She's a cheerful girl who is great friends with Alex, Sam, and Clover, even if Alex thinks she's annoying! Captain of the Cheer Squad and a master of Chess! Like Sam, she's pretty smart!) 

(Y/N): Hehehehehe. This is going to be smooth. 

You had used Clothes Beam on yourself to give yourself a tux, and- 

(Y/N): (imitating a smooth British Accent) Name's (L/N), (Y/N) (L/N). Yeah. Shaken, not stirred! 

Then you made sure to get yourself ready to move in. 

You lower down and while the bad guy was making his monologue, you use the blowtorch to free the girls and reel them up. 

(Y/N): You ladies okay? 

They just nod in order not to get the bad guy's attention. 

(Y/N): Great. I'm going to deal with him. 

You reel down, and- 

Villain: WHAT THE?! 

(Y/N): Well, I'm sorry to drop in unannounced, but I'm here to put a stop to your evil plan. 

Villain: And you are? 

(Y/N): Name's (L/N). (Y/N) (L/N). 

Villain: Classy. I'm King Midas. 

(Y/N): Oh, how original. You want to turn the world into gold? 

King Midas: I've always been obsessed with gold! It's what makes the world go round! 

(Y/N): Blah blah blah. There you go. 

King Midas: Mock me all you want, but you'll see, when you- 

(Y/N): Chit chat! 

King Midas: What? 

(Y/N): Chitty chitty chat chat! Chit chit chat! 

King Midas: SHUT UP!! 



(Y/N): Try me. 

He begins firing the machine, but you just start running and then pull out a gun and fire right at his hand! 

King Midas: ARGH!! 

(Y/N): Got ya! 

King Midas: WHY YOU LI- 

Then you appear and knock him out. 

(Y/N): Got you! 

The girls saw you and- 


The girls are literally blushing at you, while Clover is just getting starry-eyed and heart-eyed too! 

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