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Back at the X-Naut Fortress... 

Grodus: You blew it again, Lord Crump. You sicken me.

Crump: Look, I'm sorry. Seriously. We thought... We thought we had the guy cornered, but...

Grodus: Stop talking, Lord Crump. You just stand by until my next order. And, Lord Crump? Think of this as your last chance. Understand?

Crump: Roger that.

Grodus: Then leave.

Crump then leaves from the communicator screen. 

Grodus: Hey! You there!

An X-Naut walks up. 

X-Naut: What is it, sir?

Grodus: Tell the Shadow Sirens to attack (Y/N) again. And tell them not to fail this time.

X-Naut: You got it, sir.

The X-Naut then leaves. 

Grodus: I have one Crystal Star in my hands...and (Y/N) has five. I must take some measures.

Meanwhile... Peach enters TEC's Room...

Peach: What's wrong TEC? 

TEC: I must request that you do something a bit more dangerous this time. Princess Peach: Dangerous? I would like you to sneak into Sir Grodus's room and look for a data disk.

Peach: A data disk? Why would you need that?

TEC: Although I can view all data on the network... I am unable to access the data of computers that are not linked to the network. Sir Grodus has information that even I am unable to view. But I must know it. I must know that information.

Peach: But how will I get in there? Will I be disguised again?

TEC: Not this time. No one other than Sir Grodus can enter his room. When Sir Grodus is elsewhere, there are guards outside the room that permit no entry. ...But there is a way. You will be fine if you act according to my instructions. I must tell you, I do not want to make you do such a dangerous thing. But now I have no one to ask but you.

Peach: I don't mind, TEC. Really. Ask me anything.

TEC: Well then, first leave the room and take the elevator up, as you did earlier. You will first go in the opposite direction of Sir Grodus's room. Exit the elevator and enter the room with the green lamp lit above it.

She does so, and soon enough it turns out to be a lab! 

TEC: Now I will have you concoct a potion that will make you transparent.

Peach: You mean...a potion that...makes me invisible?!?

TEC: Yes. You will enter Sir Grodus's room by becoming completely invisible.

With TEC's instructions, Peach creates the invisibility potion and then drinks it, which turns her body invisible, but her clothes are still visible. 

TEC: You have done it. You have successfully made yourself transparent. Congratulations. But...I must ask you to take off your dress, however. Even the potion cannot make the dress invisible.

Peach: What?!? That's indecent! No way!

She does so anyway and notices that she's walking naked. 


She sneaks through the fortress and into Grodus' Office!

And then she found the disk on the shelf and inserted it into Grodus' monitor!

Shounen Hero (Book 9)!!!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now