The Great Boggly Tree!!

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Returning back to Madame Flurrie's House, you hand the necklace through the door.

(Y/N): Here you go!

Flurrie: Oh, splendid, SPLENDID! My oh-so-ravishing necklace! I'm awash in joy!

She then comes out!

She then comes out!

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Madame Flurrie 

Flurrie: Oh!! (Y/N), isn't it? Are YOU my heroic little necklace hunter? Well! My, my, my... Aren't you a FINE specimen of a man! Yes, indeed!

(Y/N): Well I was just doing what I would do, helping out a lady in need and-

Flurrie: I must thank you! Pucker up!

(Y/N): Oh that's not ne- AAAAGH!

She gave you a big kiss on the cheek, which caused your hair to point up!

(Y/N): Let's just get going to the Great Boggly Tree.

And so...

Flurrie faced the tree and released a gust of wind to reveal a secret passageway!

(Y/N): Thanks Flurrie!

Flurrie: Anytime! Call me if you need any help! I will be of great assistance!

She takes off!

Blake: She's pretty nice!

Punio: Yep! Sure is! Now time to get inside and open that door!

Punio goes through the entrance and after a while pushes some buttons and-

Punio: Okay guys! It's all good!

You open the door and step in!

Inside the Great Tree, well-

Punio: AGH!

Gombella: What's up?

Koops: I think it's those guys!

Two X-Nauts show up!

X-Naut 1: Wah! Who are YOU guys?!? How'd you get in here?

X-Naut 2: Dude! Don't you see that? It's (Y/N)!


X-Naut 2: But, dude, Lord Crump told us to tell him IMMEDIATELY if we found (Y/N). Remember?

X-Naut 1: You idiot! Use your head! If we capture him, we'll get all the credit, man! Duhhh!

But you smiled.

(Y/N): Tough luck fellas!

You punch them both into a wall!

X-Naut 1: C-Crud! That stung, man

X-Naut 2: Dude, maybe reporting back to Lord Crump isn't such a bad idea, after all!

The two of them retreat through another door!

(Y/N): Ha!

Ruby: And that's how he does it!

Punio: Pretty slick work! Now ... where did everyone go?

He noticed a Puni move by!

Punio: Finally, SOMEBODY shows up! What are you doing hiding back there? Come out, for Pete's sake! I found us a powerful ally!

A few Punies come out!

(Y/N): Hey there! We're here to help!

???: WAIT!

A fat Puni showed up!

Fat Puni: How do we really know this fellow is our ally? He might be one of them!


Yang tried to punch him, only for the others to hold him back!


Punio: Puniper! What're you saying? He's not one of them! Listen, we can all fight alongside (Y/N) and chase those goons out of here! We can take back our tree. We can take back our homes!

Puniper: Hah! Big, bad Punio... Listen to yourself! Trying to sound all important-like! You have no idea the kind of troubles we've been through while you were gone!

Punio: What do you mean?

Puniper: Well, they've been those goons! The elder... Everbody... Including... Your sister!


(Y/N): Don't worry! I got this! Hmm...

You sense the Puni elder out, and-

You sense the Puni elder out, and-

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Puni Elder

Elder: What the?! What just happened?!

Everyone: That was fast!

Ruby: Yeah, he's pretty good!

Punio: Nice work!

Puniper: PBTH! So?! I mean this guy is-

Elder: SHUT YOUR MOUTH PUNIPER!!! How DARE you talk like that, knowing what we're up against?!? We must stand together now! We must take back our tree! Don't you understand that? You apologize to this man and let him and his friends help!

Puniper: B-But Elder!

Elder: ZIP IT! You go and help Mr. Strong Guy! What was your name again?

(Y/N): (Y/N).

Elder: Right.

Puniper: Oh, all right, Elder... Whatever you say. I'm not heartless or anything. To tell you the truth, I'm worried about Petuni, too. And you're right, we have no choice. We must fight! Right, everybody?

Punies: YEAH!

(Y/N): Great! Let's go!

Elder: Here take this!

She gives a Sun Stone!

Elder: This should help you get further in the tree!

And so...

You all continue throughout the tree; and-

X-Nauts: IT'S (Y/N)! Get h-

You guys start beating them up, and even the Punies start to fight back too!


Yang: Yeah! That'll teach them!

(Y/N): Ha! Just you wait X-Nauts! You're in for it now!

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