Journey into Space!!

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Count Bleck was meeting up with all of his minions. 

Dimentio: ...And that is how the ruffians managed to best me.

Bleck: Spare Count Bleck your theatrics. The Light Prognosticus is false. The Dark Prognosticus holds the answer to eliminating heroes that rise to stop us.

Dimentio: Oh my. That's the first time that morsel of information has touched my ears. Do tell!

Count Bleck: Bleh heh heh heh heh... In due time, Dimentio. In due time. By the way, Nastasia, did you send "him" to dispose of them? 

Nastasia: Yeah, um, I can take care of that for you, Count.

Bleck: Lovely, exclaimed Count Bleck. Return to your posts, my dear minions.

O'Chunks, Mimi, and Dimentio: As you command, Count! HAIL BLECK!

All three of them then take off. 

As they leave, Nastasia seemed to be troubled by something. 

Bleck: Does something trouble you, Nastasia?

Nastasia: Yeah, Count... You know, there's still time... You can change your mind...

Bleck: That is enough, Nastasia. We've already come this far, so we shall forge on! But you needn't stay by Count Bleck's side. You can depart with my blessing.

Nastasia: Um, no, my count. I won't be doing that. My life is already sworn to you. Yeah, it's belonged to you since the day you saved me... I'll be sticking it out with you until my life ends, 'K?

Bleck: Well, if it pleases you. 

He then leaves, and so does she. But- 

Dimentio appears. 

Dimentio: My my my! How interesting! Nastasia and the count have such DEEP conversations! Just what is our dear count playing at? Ah, well. I'll let him worry about that. I must attend to my own...projects.


"Timpani, why? Why do you avoid me?"

"Ow... OW! Unhand me!"

"Huh? You're crying! Why? Timpani, you must tell me what has happened!"

"It's nothing... Don't worry about it... Just forget it..."

"Oh no... Timpani, is my father behind this?"

"I'm... I'm just an ordinary girl. No matter how much I love you, we must part."

"Timpani... I..."

"This is good-bye, Blumiere. There's no other choice. This is our fate..."

Back at Flipside... 

You guys come out of the yellow door. 

Peach: Well, that was a weird turn of events. 

Tippi: I'm so sorry... It was all my fault... And... Then... You all... Thank you so much...

Everyone: (except Bowser) Anytime, Tippi! 

Bowser: Want to know how to thank me, Bugface? Stay out of my way! 

Fluttershy: Do you think Bowser is part of the group of heroes? 

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