Turnabout Time Traveler (Second Investigation!!)

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At the Wright Anything Agency...

Athena: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! So the whole time traveling thing... ...was just a ruse put on by the guests at the reception?

(Y/N): Seems to be. Guess they couldn't actually do the time travel.

Athena: Wow. Two wedding receptions! Can you imagine? I wonder how much THAT must've cost them!

Phoenix: I-I have no idea... But if you have to ask, you're not rich enough to want to know... Still, if you've got the money, it's a pretty good way to cover things up, if you ask me.

Athena: You got that right...! I'm sure I would've been completely fooled.

Maya then came in.

Maya: I'm ready!

(Y/N): All cutified up?

Maya: Awww! You flatterer! So what should we start with?

Phoenix: Hmm... Let's start with reviewing what we learned at the trial. What Ellen thought was time travel was really just a performance put on by the Sprockets. But other than that, it seems that what Ellen told us was actually all true.

(Y/N): That mystery person she saw.

Athena: But who is he?

(Y/N): The true killer.

Phoenix: If we want to clear Ellen's name, figuring out who that person is, is our ticket.

Athena: I think I'll take "Toilets" for $200, instead, Mr. Wright...

Phoenix: Well, at least there were only so many people on that airship that night. And we know who the mastermind of the whole cover-up plot was, too, so that's good.

(Y/N): Sorin, right?

Phoenix: Exactly. He might know something that could help us out.

???: Then why am I hear?

Larry was nearby.

Well, all of the other people involved are Sorin's family members. So I thought I'd better start by interviewing you.

(Y/N): This can only end well.

Larry: Oh, man... I have a really tight schedule, but... aw heck, what are friends for, right? Okay, pal! Go ahead, ask me anything!

Phoenix: Okay. So, the first reception was held at 7 PM on the day of the incident. That's the one you tried to crash, right?

Larry: Huh? Oh, yeah, that's right. And then they locked me up in a cabin! It was awful, I tell you!

(Y/N): And then the incident occurred after this first reception, at around 10 PM. Ellen was attacked in the reception hall by Gloomsbury. He forced her out onto the vista deck and was just about to kill her...

Larry: But Elly fought back, and ended up killing ol' Gloomsbury instead. To cover it up, the family quickly threw together a second reception. That's what Edgey is claiming, anyway. But I know my Elly didn't do it!

Phoenix: The key point here is the mystery person Ellen said she saw strike Gloomsbury... ...just before she passed out. Did you see anybody suspicious skulking around that day?

Larry: Nope. Not a soul! Because I was locked up in a cabin at the time!

(Y/N): But you managed to escape, and sneak back into the reception hall. That's when you switched the lantern in the event hall with the lantern in the hold, right? Did you see anybody then?

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