Turnabout Time Traveler (Day 2 Trial Part 2!!)

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Witness Testimony: The Truth...

Sorin: The truth is, I went to the vista deck with Pierce.
That's why my name doesn't appear on the hold entry record.
I was badly injured from being stabbed, but I was frantic.
By the time we reached the scene, it was all over.

Edgeworth: Mr. Sprocket, you've concealed information from us time and time again. Who do you think you are, treating this court of law with such irreverence?!

Sorin: .....

Edgeworth: That being said, I do appreciate the testimony you gave just now. Thanks to you, we now know why your name doesn't appear on the entry record. Now there are no more inconsistencies in the witness's testimony!

That's Mr. Edgeworth for you! He never leaves a loose end dangling.

(Y/N): (sigh) Yep.


The first statement seemed really off.

Phoenix: HOLD IT!! You didn't mention this because you didn't want Mr. Nichody to fall under suspicion? Is that because he has something to hide?

Sorin: I just didn't want the police to take up his time with all their questions, that's all. Neither the company nor the household would function smoothly without him.

Phoenix: I see.

Sorin: We met up on my way to the vista deck. I think Pierce and some of my relatives were on another floor... But Pierce heard the commotion, and came running to my aide.

(Y/N): And how about that injury of yours?

Sorin: The knife wound is deep, and continues to throb with pain. Fortunately, my internal organs were spared... ...but one wrong move would've spelled the end for me there.

Phoenix: OBJECTION!! But the weapon you were stabbed with was this candelabra! A fact I know you're quite aware of.

Sorin: UGH!!

Edgeworth: OBJECTION!! It must've been a simple memory slip that made him misspeak. It happens to everyone. It has nothing to do with the case. You must be pretty desperate to point out something so minute.

Judge: I have to agree, Mr. Wright. You hardly need to make such a big deal over such a small mistake.

Phoenix: But it's an important consistency! 

Edgeworth: And I say it's NOT important. Now, let's not waste any more time on this matter.

Judge: I agree. Everybody has a little memory lapse every now and then.

(Y/N): HOLD IT! It can be explain! Sorin Sprocket doesn't remember the incident, let alone the weapon used against him! Not only that... ...but I believe Mr. Sprocket has some sort of memory disorder! Therefore, the defense contends that Mr. Sprocket's testimony thus far is invalid!

Edgeworth: OBJECTION!! Just because you can't find a flaw in his testimony, you want to throw it all out?! Your baseless claim is nothing but pure slander of the witness's character!

(Y/N): Actually, there's proof. There's a notebook he always has with him. I saw daily events and information about the people around him recorded in it.

Judge: Like a diary, perhaps?

Phoenix: No, Your Honor. It's much too detailed to be an ordinary diary. It's more on the order of a database, actually.

Judge: A database, you say?

Phoenix: That's right. For some reason, Mr. Sprocket is apparently unable to retain memories. That's why he writes every little detail of his life down in his notebook!

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