Countdown to Destruction!!

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Tippi: The power of The Void is growing. I can feel it. The Chaos Heart is close, now... The end is almost here... We must hurry!

Through all of the hallways, you guys burst through doors, and took down any enemies in the way, and then- 

???: So, you've made it at last. 

Dimentio appeared. 

Rainbow: Enough games Dimentio! 

Jack: Yeah, seriously, this is getting annoying. 

Dimentio: Oh believe me. I'm not playing around. I'm always serious. I have been watching you. You are the only ones who can stand up to Count Bleck. So...I have a favor to ask. Will you help me...destroy the count?

Ruby: Destroy? Wait, you mean you've been planning on betraying him all this time? 

Yang: Yeah, we still can't trust you either way! 

Dimentio: Betray him? Ah ha ha ha. Oh, no. It is Count Bleck who has betrayed ME! He said he would destroy all worlds and create a new, perfect world in their place. But he was lying! He plans to obliterate every world, and then keep them all in ruin.

(Y/N): YIKES!! 

Dimentio: I have always known about his nefarious goal. But I could never hope to stop him on my own. I feigned loyalty to him as I searched for someone who could defeat him with me!

Sunset: Wait ... so that means that you saved us before Nastasia brainwashed us. 

Jack: And you sent me to the Underwhere so that (Y/N) and I could reunite. 

(Y/N): And sent me there so that I could get the Pure Heart restored! 

Twilight: You were helping us? 

Dimentio: Ahhh, you've got me pegged. Now, how about you return the favor? I'll give you the power you need to crush Count Bleck... Just fight by my side!

Everyone: NO! 

Fluttershy: We'll never help you! 

Dimentio: Very well then, I guess I'll have to- 

Jack punched him! 

Jack: GO!! I've got him! 

Everyone: RIGHT!! 

Dimentio: AGH!! 

Jack began to dodge Dimentio's attacks and start rushing and slashing at him! 

Jack: I'm not letting you get away with this, you maniac! 

Dimentio: Oh, you are strong indeed! Now then, why don't we make this even more epic! 

He smirked and Jack charged in- 

With one snap. 


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