To Shoot the Moon!!

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You guys returned back to Rogueport, and you got another e-mail.

(Y/N): Let's see. "(Y/N), I now know where I'm being held. I'm on the moon. Yes. The moon that floats out in space. And I've learned something even more horrifying. In order to ressurect the monster's spirit, they need my..."

Ruby: Wait, Princess Peach is on the moon?!

Bobbery: THE MOON?!

Vivian: And didn't it sound like something happened? It was cut off!

(Y/N): Well, right now, let's find out where the last Crystal Star is located!

And so...

After going back, it seemed that the map showed a crystallized star on-

(Y/N): No, this can't be.

Yang: Is that the moon?

(Y/N): Let's see what the Professor says!

At Professor Frankly's...

Professor Frankly: If what this map indicates is true, the location of the final Crystal Star is... THE MOON!!

(Y/N): Hey! That's where the X-Nauts have Peach!

Blake: But how do we get there?

Yin: Yeah, none of us can fly! Except for (Y/N).

Professor Frankly: Try heading to Fahr Outpost! Accounts from Fahr Outpost speak of a device that can launch anything, anywhere. Even to the moon!

(Y/N): Right! Let's go guys! Let's save Peach and get the last Crystal Star!

Everyone: RIGHT!!

And so...

At the Western side, you guys manage to locate the pipe, and-

It was a cold way down, but you guys get to Fahr Outpost!

Everyone: COLD!!

(Y/N): Okay! Let's find the Mayor!

The Mayor was nearby, and he spoke with a strong Russian Accent!

Mayor: Da... What business do you have here?

(Y/N): We really need to use your cannon.

Koops: Yeah, we need to try to get to the moon.

Mayor: What? A cannon? ...No such thing is here.

Bobbery got mad at that!

Bobbery: Now, listen here... You're the mayor, hmm? How can an official like you lie that way? Old boy, I KNOW I saw a cannon the last time I was here, so do not lie, sir!

Mayor: SHUSH! You call yourself a Bob-omb? I spit at you! You know rules! There is to be NO mention of cannon to non-Bob-ombs! NO mention! We must not allow it to be used for evil...

Bobbery: Of course I know all that, you great blowhard. But we must use that cannon to get to the moon, old boy. And if we don't, sir...the world could end!

Mayor: Mmmm... Hawwwwwwww... World could end... Ummm... Well, we cannot have that, now... Still... You cannot use cannon right now because of certain...circumstances.

(Y/N): Circumstances?

Mayor: We must have permission of Goldbob to use cannon. He is the one who started whole blasting-things-to-faraway-places policy... Once he got rich, he let business slide and does not start it up again... Also... General White was the one who devoted himself to operation of cannon... But he was so depressed by losing of job that he took cannon key and left.

(Y/N): I'll be back!

And so...

(Y/N): I'm back!

You show the deed to the cannon, and-

(Y/N): Unfortunately, I can't find General White.

Mayor: REALLY?! Where is he?!

Then you noticed General White coming out of his house.

General White: Now where is that (Y/N)?

(Y/N): HERE!!!

General White: Ah! I've been looking over for you!

(Y/N): Me?

General White: A fortune teller told me that I would need to find you to get my life back together!

Mayor: Your timing couldn't be perfect! We must help (Y/N) and his friends!

Weiss: About time we got somewhere.

And so-

You guys go to a square where-

Vivian: What's going to happen?

Mayor: Just relax, and-

It opens up!

Everyone: WHAT?!

You fall down as a massive cannon rises out!

General White: Preparations are ready!

The hatch opens and 100 million Bob-ombs enter!

Mayor: NOW FIRE!!!

The cannon fired and-



Mayor: Good luck Comrades!!

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