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After exiting the door-

Everything was just a blank white mass.

(Y/N): OH GOD!!

Tippi: There's nothing left.

Ruby: We- We failed to save them. They're dead.

Twilight: That ... that monster! How could he... HOW COULD HE DO THIS?!

Sunset: Hey! Come on you two. We can still find the Pure Heart. Maybe it's-

Then Mr. J showed up.

Mr. J: Yo! Looking for this!

He showed the Pure Heart, but it looked like more of a rock!

(Y/N): HUH?!

Mr. J: Not even a Pure Heart can survive the end of a world! Ha!

Twilight and Ruby just got up, and well-

Mr. J: Hey! What are you two doing? Why a-

Twilight and Ruby: GIVE IT HERE!

They both proceeded to beat the crap out of him!


And then they sent him flying, and he dropped the lifeless Pure Heart!

Ruby: Man, that felt good.

Twilight: Agreed Ruby. Too good.

(Y/N): Glad you both got that out of your systems. Now, we should head back and tell Merlin.

Ruby: Yeah. Wait, maybe everything will go back once Count Bleck is beaten! Yeah!

(Y/N): Hopefully.


Mr. J lands hard on the floor.

Mr. J: Now what am I going to-

???: Ah. Hello Jackson.

Dimentio appeared.

Mr. J: Oh, it's you again, Dimentio. I'm stumped.

Dimentio: Perhaps that is for the best.

He used his magic and generated an explosion!

Mr. J: ARGH! Dimentio, what are you doing?

Dimentio: Hmph. To be honest, my plans are far too important. And I can't let Count Bleck keep you around. Now-

He trapped Mr. J in a box.

Dimentio: Ciao. Jackson Inoue.


Dimentio blew him up!

At Castle Bleck...

Nastasia: Yeah, so just got a quick ping from Dimentio? We've had a little insubordination... Yeah, according to his report, our Mr. J took on a hero-fighting initiative... I accept full responsibility. It was my administrative breakdown that allowed this...

Bleck: I see, remarked Count Bleck... Well, what's done is done. This prophecy will not be fulfilled without sacrifice.

Nastasia: Count... Um, you seem...a bit different today. New monocle? Or did something happen?

Count Bleck: Count Bleck feels fine... Leave me...

Nastasia: Oh, um, of course, yeah... Please excuse me.

Shounen Hero (Book 9)!!!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now