Three Days of Excess (Part 2!!)

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The very next day...

You guys go to Pennington's cabin, where the Businessman is with him. 

(Y/N): And this is him! 

Weiss: This penguin is the detective? 

(Y/N): Yep! 

Pennington: Ah, (Y/N) dear boy. Your timing is impeccable! A new case has arisen! Now then, Mr. Businessman, please explain the facts to my assistant, (Y/N).

Businessman: OK, OK, here's the deal... When I woke up this morning, my briefcase was gone! It contained all the contracts for our next deal, and even our new product prototype! If I don't recover it, I'll lose my job at the LEAST!

(Y/N): Yikes! What was in there? 

Businessman: Of course, of course... Our company's new product is "Nitro Honey Syrup"... Used properly, it's an amazing product that can even raise the dead... But if mixed with the calcium from a seashell and a bit of gold... Well, then! The results are EXPLOSIVE! The resulting goo-blast would immobilize everyone here in a sticky, yet yummy, shellac! If it's fallen into the wrong hands... Well, I could lose more than my job!

Ruby: Wait ... that had to do with the threat we received! 

Blake: Not to mention, seashells, and gold? 

(Y/N): Well Pennington did tell me that the Waitress and Ms. Toodles lost their seashell earrings and gold ring respectively. Then that would mean- 

Pennington: Rudimentary (Y/N)! The thief is on the train! 

(Y/N): Yeah, I was going to say that. Whoever stole the Businessman's suitcase also has the seashell earrings and the gold ring. If combines that together, BOOM! We have to find him! Let's get looking! 

After a bit of searching... 

Koops: Hey! I found something! 

It was a piece of paper. 

(Y/N): What's this? 

Businessman: Ack! Th-That's one of the contracts for my upcoming business deal!

(Y/N): We're on the right track! Koops, where was this? 

Koops: Zip Toad's room. 

Pennington: Hmph, just as I suspected! A place I have long suspected! Come to think of it, I do not believe I've seen him today. ...Then perhaps he is hiding somewhere on the train.

(Y/N): Let's go and find him! 

A few minutes later...

After a while, you guys search your Cabin. And- 

Goombella: Is that a clue? 

It was another document. 

Vivian: Wait, I have an idea! 

She dragged everyone into the shadows, and soon Zip Toad popped up. 

Zip Toad: Ha! Looks like I'm in the- 

Everyone: GOT YOU!! 

He was tackle attacked! 

Zip Toad: OH NUTS!!!

And so...

Pennington: So this was our man, all along! Pretending to be Zip Toad, I see... All the while pilfering things from others to aid your evil plan... Hmm... Yes, this was all just as I had deduced! I knew all along you were a fake. Yes, a discolored nostril hair tipped me off! And not only that, but I knew that you were the one who threatened (Y/N)!

Zip Toad: Curses! I almost got away with it by getting off at Riverside Station, too...

You take the Seashell Earrings and the Gold Ring from him, oh and the briefcase too! 

Businessman: OH YES! My business is saved!!


You guys stopped at Riverside Station to do a fillup on fuel. 

As Pennington exits with Zip Toad- 

Zip Toad: Sorry Slick, but you won't hold me! 

He turned out to be Doopliss! 

Doopliss: Beldam will flip if I failed! 

Pennington: WHAT?! 

He tries to catch the freak sheet, but he escaped!


As you guys exit, Pennington spoke up. 

Pennington: Old chap, I'm sorry to say but that fake Zip Toad was some monster in a sheet! 

Vivian: Wait that would mean- 

(Y/N): DOOPLISS?! He's involved in this? DId he mention anything? 

Pennington: Well he did say something about some Beldam business. 

Everyone: Uh oh. 

The Bridge operator was nearby. 

Bridge Operator: What happened? It seems that the bridge is up.  Bridge Operator: I saw a suspicious-looking shadowy person wearing a hat go into the station... He must've gone down to the bridge-control room to flip the switch there... But that switch hasn't been used in so long, I don't know where the control room is... So, um... It's probably against protocol to ask a passenger to do this, but... Since you ARE the famous (Y/N) and all, could you go find and throw that switch? Maybe?

(Y/N): Sure! 

And so... 

You guys go inside the station, and you notice an elevator. 

(Y/N): Hang on. 

You press the button a bit to get it working, and- 

(Y/N): Down we go! 

Everyone: Okay. 

Below the station... 

A bunch of creatures were surrounding the switch. 

Bobbery: What the? What are those Squidgy things?! 

Bobbery: What the? What are those Squidgy things?! 

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Everyone: WHAT THE?! 

(Y/N): Okay, those things are getting out of here! Bobbery! 

Bobbery: YES! I KNOW!! 

You throw him, and- 

(Y/N): GET DOWN!! 


A lot of them soon realize that they're screwed, and there you notice the switch! 

(Y/N): And now- 

You flick the switch, and the bridge goes down. 

(Y/N): Good! Now, back to the train! We're close to Poshley Heights!

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