The Shogi Queen!!

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You went to the Shogi club where the Queen of Shogi herself stood.

???: Hello, (Y/N)-Kun.

(Y/N): Hello there, Hifumi-San.

Hifumi Shogo (The Queen of Shogi! She has been the result of some very nasty rumors about bribing her opponents to lose! Those are mainly caused by her mother! Very polite and kind person, who looks for a challenging match from her opponents!)

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Hifumi Shogo (The Queen of Shogi! She has been the result of some very nasty rumors about bribing her opponents to lose! Those are mainly caused by her mother! Very polite and kind person, who looks for a challenging match from her opponents!)

Hifumi: (Y/N)-Kun. I prefer Hifumi-Chan. You don't have to be so formal.

(Y/N): Okay ... Hifumi-Chan.

Hifumi: See? What's so hard about that?

(Y/N): Well ... you look so ... radiant!

Hifumi: Why thank you. Now-

She pulls up the Shogi board.

Hifumi: Shall we play?

(Y/N): You're on. Heh, I got this. I prepared for this moment thanks to Shikamaru. Seriously, how is someone as lazy as him so smart?


It was a close all, but you finally got her in checkmate!

(Y/N): DID IT! There! I-

Hifumi blushed.

Hifumi: You're really skilled. I must ask. How are you this good?

(Y/N): Experiences. Learning. To be honest, it takes a few failures to achieve greatness.

Hifumi: Those are wise words to live by.

She holds your hands.

Hifumi: Let us play Shogi together for the rest of our wonderful lives!

The Shogi Queen kissed you and smiled.

(Y/N): Aaah ... I love being me. Let's do it.

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