Three Days of Excess!!

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So, you guys were in Cabin 5, and enjoying the luxuries with it! 

Ruby: OH WOW! Those beds look really nice! 

Two pull-out King Sized beds! 

(Y/N): That's neat! 

Koops: I have to admit, I never thought this could happen! 

Yoshi: Hey, the food here is great!

He begins to eat a lot of fruit on his plate! 

Yang: You said it!

Yang was scarfing down a turkey leg. 

Blake: Yeah, well, I wouldn't count my- 

She got some Smoked Salmon. 


Weiss: Well, I love this. This is more my style. 

Weiss had a face mask on, with cucumbers in her eyes, a glass of champagne, and nicely done new manicure and pedicure. 

Goombella: Ice Queen seems to be enjoying herself. 

Weiss: Even that can't get me down. 

Ruby: Yeah, and the cookies are- 

Ruby is eating a very big chocolate chip cookie! 

Ruby: SO GOOD!! 

(Y/N): Yeah, how can something bad happen on- 

A note goes through the door. 

Vivian: What does it say (Y/N)? 

(Y/N): Hmmm ... "Don't go to Poshley Heights! Get off the train now, or a sticky, yummy doom awaits it!"

Bobbery: Now that's suspicious. Do you think it was that Beldam? 

(Y/N): I don't know. You guys stay here, I'm going to talk to the Conductor. 

And you do... 

(Y/N): Mr. Conductor? 

Conductor: Yes, Mr. (Y/N)? 

(Y/N): I have this note here. 

You show it to him. 

Conductor: Sticky yummy doom? I'll keep an eye out as best as I can. 

(Y/N): Thanks! 

On the way back, you pass through the kitchen where... 

???: Hmm. Yes. I can say without the slightest hesitation that this smells like a case to me. But what shall we call it, that is the question before us. Yes, what to call it? Yes! "The Case of the Pot of Supper Stew That Vanished Suddenly and Mysteriously"! Indeed. That will do nicely.

Pennington (A penguin detective!) 

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Pennington (A penguin detective!) 

Pennington: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... My dear train passengers... This is a full-fledged mystery, one that impacts you all!

Everyone: WHAT?! A MYSTERY?! 

Chef: A mystery, you just said? ...And, uh, um, er, exactly...what kind of dish is that?

Pennington: I am known as Pennington. You likely would not guess it, but I am a detective. At the risk of immodesty, you might say I have a certain nose for these things. And this little conundrum, my dear fellow passengers...poses no me.

(Y/N): Man, this guy seems to be much more competent than someone like Detective Gumshoe. Poor fella, he tries so hard, even with his low intelligence. A real man of the Law!

Pennington: The central clue of this case, and also the most vital one, as it happens... Is that our perpetrator took the whole pot, stew and all! And this...esteemed friends... Leads me to believe that the one responsible...

He points to the waitress! 


(Y/N): Okay, nevermind. 

Waitress: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!? ME?!? Are you totally koo-koo? I have like, NO idea what you're talking about...

Pennington: Errm... Pardon me... Sorry. Please accept my apologies, my dear woman. I felt I needed to practice my accusation skills, you understand. Yes, sorry.

A businessman spoke up. 

Businessman: Let me get this straight... So, what we know so far... Is that we don't know who the culprit is... And, uh... I guess that's about it, right? 

A Toad with sunglasses spoke up.

Zip Toad: Aw, this scene is for total squares! Forget you guys! I'm going back to my room.

Pennington: Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmph! You there! In a bit of a hurry to get back to your room, eh! You, sir, are highly suspicious! I have just broken this case! The true culprit, I Zip Toad, the actor!

Waitress: Zip Toad? THE Zip Toad? Nooooooooooooooooooooo way, Mr. Detective- Person! You're just making stuff up! You... You tweedy geezer!

Pennington: Tweedy... Geezer... GEEZER?! I can't say I deserved such a verbal thrashing, but... Well, then...who DID do it, hm? Hrrrrrrrrrrrmph! This puzzle deepens with every confounding step...

You then noticed a stain by your foot. 

(Y/N): A clue! Hmmm ... 

You then pick up the scent and follow it to Cabin 3! 

(Y/N): Cabin check! 

Fat Toad: What is it? What do you w- 

He interrupts with a burp! 

(Y/N): YUCK! 

Fat Toad: Excuse me! I'm Heff T. 

(Y/N): Nice to meet you Hefty! So, where's the pot? 

Heff T.: OH YEAH! Blame it on the fat guy! 

(Y/N): But there were stains! I followed them here and- AHA! 

You found the pot behind the dresser! 

Heff T.: OH YOU GOT ME! 

And you returned it back to normal, and gave Heff T. a warning...

(Y/N): Say, I- 

Pennington: Hmmm ... dear boy. I think I know who you are! You are ... (Y/N)! THE HERO! 

(Y/N): YES! Hey, you got it right! 

Pennington: Ah of course. So, what did you want to talk about? 

(Y/N): Well, a threat was given to me, and it's suspicious. Do you think you can help me and my friends out? 

Pennington: I'll see what I can do! Suspicious. The waitress lost her seashell earrings, and Ms. Toodles in Cabin 2 lost her gold ring. We have more cases to solve. Be careful, alright? 

(Y/N): Will do! 

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