Mecha Knight!!

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The desert was pretty hot, but you both trudged on, with Kirby thinking about restoring everything and you thinking about hopefully talking some sense into Susie, because she didn't seem evil. 

(Y/N): Come on Kirby, we need to k- 

Kirby saw a jet, and he had the Robobot Armor copy the data, which led to- 

(Y/N): Neato! Let's go! 

And with that, you and Kirby flew over a fast majority of the land, and came to another factory to shut down! 

(Y/N): Okay, let's go in! 

After a while, you both noticed Susie up ahead. 

Susie: (singing) Noble Haltmann, we adore him. Noble Haltmann, we adore him! Every day we wish him glory!

Then she caught notice of the two of you. 

Susie: Oh! Pardon me. That was our company's wonderful theme song, "The Noble Haltmann." Sometimes I just find myself singing it out loud. It's so catchy!

(Y/N): How nice. Look, you're not getting away this time! Right, Kirbo? 

Kirby: POYO!! 

Susie: Hold on. Let me tell you a story. Not long ago, I met someone who impressed me very much. He was strong and full of confidence... A knight of the highest order. I was so impressed by his skills that I remodeled him and he became a company security guard. 

She pushed a button and out comes a familiar-looking robot. 

Susie: Please allow me to present

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Susie: Please allow me to present... Model #M-7110. Mecha Knight... ENGAGE! 

Kirby: POYO!! 


You try to attack Susie, but Mecha Knight blocks your way! 

(Y/N): WOAH!!! Sir Meta Knight, w- 

He swings his sword over and over at you, and you use MUI to dodge. 

(Y/N): KIRBY!!! 

You throw one of your swords at Kirby, and he swallows it to become Sword Kirby, and the little pink puffball attacks back! 

Mecha Knight summons tornados for you two to dodge, and then you sighed. 

(Y/N): Sorry about this Sir Mecha Knight. 

You palm thrust him off of a platform, and- 


As Mecha Knight falls, you activated the bomb, and- 


Kirby: P-Poyo? 

(Y/N): He'll be fine. He's tough. Now, let's- 

You noticed that Susie had bailed. 

(Y/N): Damn, that girl is a slippery one. 

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