Major Leagues, a Kid Yoshi, and X!

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(Y/N): Man, I'm so close to conquering the Minor Leagues! 

Two friends you made, King K (a Yellow Shelled Koopa), and Bandy Andy (A Bandit), are just congratulating you! 

King K: I've never seen someone fight like you Gonzales! 

Bandy Andy: You're the man! 

(Y/N): Thanks guys! So, who are the best of the Minor Leagues? 

Bandy Andy: Oh boy. 

King K: The Armored Harriers! They're as tough as rocks! 

Bandy Andy: Literally, they are Clefts who are as strong as Iron! 

(Y/N): Pbth! I got this! 


The Chili Dog salesman was having trouble as a bouncing Yoshi Egg was trying to escape from him! 


And lo and behold, Ruby catches it! 

Ruby: Aww! Hey there little guy! 

Salesman: Oh thank goodness! My new Fried Egg Chilidog is saved! 

The Egg shivers in fear. 

Ruby: NO! You're not going to use him as food! I'll take care of him. 

Salesman: Are you sure about this? He's a lively one. 

Ruby: I swear, I'll be a great mother!

Back in the Glitz Pit... 

Weiss: You sure you want to be doing that? 

Ruby: I'm going to be the Best Mother ever! 

She was cradling the egg like a baby. 

Weiss: Okay, that is cute, and dumb to see at the same time. 

Your fight ended pretty quickly, and well- 

Armored Harriers: NO MORE!!! 

(Y/N): Great! 




You're brought to the Major Leagues Room. 

(Y/N): Man, this is cool. But still no closer to the Crystal Star. Now how am I going to- 

A delivery man comes in. 

Delivery man: For Mr. Gonzales. 

It was a cake. 

(Y/N): Huh? 

You sniff it. 

(Y/N): Thanks. 

And then the minute the Delivery man leaves you throw it away. 

(Y/N): Poison. Man, whoever is doing this is really trying to set me u- Huh? 

You got a message. 

(Y/N): "Follow my instructions, and you will get the Crystal Star. X." Whoever this guy is, I hope he knows what he's talking about. 


Ruby hears a crack in the egg! 


And out comes- 

Kid Yoshi: I'm out Baby! 

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Kid Yoshi: I'm out Baby! 

Ruby: OH MY GOD!!! 

She squeed and hugged her! 

Kid Yoshi: MOM!!! 

Ruby: (blushing) HE CALLED ME MOM!!! EEEEEE!! 

Weiss, Blake, and Yang: Oh boy. 

Koops: SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! 

Gombella: I think she might make a good parent! 

Weiss: As long as she doesn't overfeed him cookies. 

Ruby: I would never! That could kill him! No, uh ... what should I name you? How about ... Yin? 

Kid Yoshi: Yin? Heh! I love it! 

Yang: Now that's a good one! Say, I wonder how (Y/N) is doing. 

You were listening in on Grubba and Jolene talk... 

Grubba: So you didn't find hide or hair of nobody in the storage room, that what yer sayin'?

Jolene: Yes, Mr. Grubba. It appeared to be secure. Don't worry about it, sir. I've taken the necessary precautions. It was most likely just a rat or something.

Grubba: Well, no big deal either way. Ain't nothin' in there we'd miss too much anyway. Thanks fer stayin' on top of this, Jolene. Hey, an' by the way, any word on King K?

Jolene: I'm afraid we still don't know the whereabouts of King K, Mr. Grubba. And so... I deleted his spot on our roster per regulations. The Glitz Pit no longer has any official connection to KP Pete, a.k.a King K. I have, of course, taken the same steps with all fighters who have gone missing.

Grubba: Hoo, fighters sure have been goin' missin' a lot lately! That's the fifth this year! What in tarnation's goin' on? I even heard some security ijit sayin' the Pit's cursed!

Jolene: I doubt that sir, but I certainly don't understand the disappearances.

Grubba: Well, fer the time bein', tell the other fellas that King K headed on home for a spell. If word gets out about missin' fighters, it sure ain't gonna be good for business, no siree! Nasty rumors have a way of sendin' folks runnin' to the hills, know what I mean?

Jolene: I understand completely, Mr. Grubba. I will take care of everything, sir.

She begins to leave, but- 

Grubba: Grubba: Y'know, Jolene... Yer a dang fine manager, but you just plumb disappear sometimes... I gotta know! Where in the world do you go, darlin'?

Jolene: Uh... Th-That's... Mr. Grubba, I know you're my boss, but I don't believe that's any of your business.

Grubba: Easy! Didn't mean to pry, now! How 'bout this, then... Heard of the Crystal Star?

She froze in fear. 

Jolene: N-No... I've never heard of such a thing, Mr. Grubba.

Grubba: Okeydoke, well, I 'preciate yer time, Ms. Jolene. You go ahead an' run along, now, y'hear?

Jolene: Right. 

She leaves. 

(Y/N): Wait, King K is missing? What does that m- 

As you start searching around, you notice- 

King K and Bandy Andy were in a zombified state and having a hard time breathing! 

Band Andy: Gonzales! 

(Y/N): YOU GUYS!! 

King K: Don't ... go out ... to the arena ... when ... no one ... is around. 

(Y/N): What? What do you mean? What are you talking about? 

You were horrified. Just what was going on? 

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