Inside the Access Ark!!/President Haltmann!

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You and Kirby had reached the entrance to the Access Ark. 

(Y/N): We should hurry. 

Kirby: Poyo. 

(Y/N): Yeah, no time to dilly dally. We better get going. 

So many security measures were set up, such as mini turrets, land mines, and other various dangers. 

(Y/N): I bet Susie is watching and laughing at us. 

Kirby: POYO!! 

(Y/N): Yeah, she sure is a sneaky one. 


The center of the Access Ark was a big and fancy-looking office. 

Susie was nearby. 

(Y/N): SUSIE!!! 

Susie: This is the Haltmann Works Company's head office. This is the heart of the company. And here you are, as if it was your own living room... You natives need to be taught manners!

(Y/N): Manners? Barging in unannounced? You call those manners? 

Susie: You wouldn't understand. 

She pushed a button. 

Susie: Well, I have something special for you today. Have a sneak peek at our latest product, hot off the production line! It's been completely updated with the newest technology. It's capable of working for 24 hours without recharging... And it's been programmed to be a merciless fighting machine. We call it Mecha Knight+!

Mecha Knight returned, with a repaired sword, and a sinister look. 

Kirby: Poyo. 

(Y/N): Oh boy. This again. 

Susie: Have a nice day! Buh-bye! 

She stepped aside. 

Mecha Knight unveiled a giant claw arm from his back and started to attack over and over, but you and Kirby once again did your best to dodge from all the sword swings and the claw attacks. 

And then at the right moment, you both hit Mecha Knight right into the mask! 

The damage sustained would cause the mask to break, and the robot enhancements to fall apart. 

Meta Knight soon fled. 

(Y/N): YES! 

Kirby: POYO!! 

Susie: WHAT?! Impossible! A machine made by the Mother Computer lost... Twice! I guess it's time to take matters into my own extremities!"

She prepares to take you both on, but- 

???: That's quite enough, Susie. 

Susie: M-Mr

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Susie: M-Mr. Haltmann ... Sir! 

Haltmann: Hello, I must thank you for looking after my secretary. Susie, you may step down now. 

Susie: Y-Yes Sir. 

She left as Haltmann turned towards you two. 

(Y/N): So, you're Haltmann? 

Haltmann: Yes.  am the president and CEO of Haltmann Works Company. My subordinates call me... President Haltmann. 

He then revealed something behind his fancy office. 

Haltmann: Now natives. Take a look at this. 

A giant computer was revealed. 

Kirby: POYO?! 

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Kirby: POYO?! 

Haltmann: Absolutely incredible. Indeed. It's truly marvelous! We've analyzed the most advanced civilizations in the known universe. And with that knowledge, we have reactivated this... The Mother Computer... Star Dream. 

(Y/N): Star Dream? 

Haltmann: Well... Allow me to elaborate. In compliance with the business plan drafted by Star Dream... effective today, you are... terminated!

He summoned a mech armor. 

(Y/N): Get ready Kirby. Here he comes! 

Kirby: POYO!! 

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