Battle for Mewni (Part 2!!)

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A choir sings about Ludo, showing him to be some savior, with pictures displaying him as such...

Choir: (singing) Born to the wild, a gift from above. A story of triumph, a story of love. An army of rodents with he at the helm. He toppled the old king, brought peace to the realm. Handsome and fearless and brilliant and tall. Beloved by Mewmans, he tends to us all. Our dearest King Ludo, he tends to us all.

Ludo looks amongst them, with a smirk on his face, and a crown on his head.

Ludo: Ah, yes, this is wonderful. Let's hear it for Ms. Bucket and the Mewni's Youth Choir! Yeah?

His rat minions are threatening the Mewmans with death as they applaud with fear on their faces.

Ludo talks to his wand, which is now been implanted onto his hand.

Ludo: You're right. A bit off key. LEVITATO!!

The small tyrant lifts up the entire choir and flings them into outer space!

Ludo: Now they're singing with the angels. Play my off boys!

His rat minions play off on their instruments for him, as he walks back into the castle.

Though what he doesn't know is that someone with a rat costume is following him.

Ludo: What the?!

They lunge at him, and knock him into the elevator, taking them to the throne room!

Ludo: What's the meaning of this?

The figure is revealed to be Star!

Star: What did you do to my Dad?!


He extends his wand hand, but Star punched him and knocked him to the ground.

Ludo: WHY YOU LITTLE- What?! Now?

Star: Uh ... are you talking to your hand?

Ludo: Look, this is not a good time to have this conversation.

Before Star could even say anything, she felt something behind her.

???: Why hello Princess.

It was Xellos.

He easily restrained Star by twisting her right wrist!


Ludo laughed like the little troll he was!

Ludo: GREAT JOB XELLOS! I knew I could count on you! Now then, my wand tells me that destroying you is out of the question. But I have something better in mind!


Ludo: Xellos, harder.

Xellos smiled and opened his eyes.

Xellos: Of course.

She screamed more as Xellos was bruising her arm.

Ludo: Just so you know, your Father was defeated. I Levitato'd him.

Star: You what-a-ta-tay-to-ta-tah-to?

Ludo: Oh come on, you're supposed to be the Princess of Mewni? You don't even know a simple spell like that?!

Star: For the love of, you're being controlled! The wand is using you, Ludo!

Ludo: You're right, I am being controlled. Controlled by my lust for power!

Star: No, Ludo, you're being controlled by Toffee.

Ludo: What? No, Toffee's dead! I did this. Me. See that?

Shounen Hero (Book 9)!!!!!!!!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu