Turnabout Time Traveler (Day 2 Trial Part 3!!!)

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When Court reconvened Nichody went to the Stand. 

Judge: Please state your name and occupation.

Nichody: My name is Pierce Nichody. I am the Sprocket family butler.

Phoenix: Let's get straight to the point, Mr. Nichody. Someone tore out a page from Mr. Sprocket's notebook to manipulate his memories. And that person was you... wasn't it?

Nichody: I did. 


Nichody: Please allow me to explain. It pains me to do this, but I will tell you the truth.

Witness Testimony: Why I tore out the page. 

Nichody: I rushed to the vista deck, but the crime had already been committed. I saw Miss Ellen and Gloomsbury collapsed, and Master Sorin writing in his notebook. Master Sorin said to me, "I'll take the blame for the murder, so please take care of Ellen." But I went against his order. I tore the page out of his notebook, and hid the body.

Phoenix: He wrote that message to take the blame for Ms. Wyatt?!

Nichody: That is correct. Master Sorin did hit Gloomsbury with the Time Keeper to save Miss Ellen..

Phoenix: Then Mr. Sprocket was the culprit after all!

Nichody: However, that blow did not kill Gloomsbury.Enraged, Gloomsbury tried to attack Master Sorin, who was already seriously wounded. But just in the nick of time, Miss Ellen hit Gloomsbury from behind... ...and finished him off, it would seem. 

Edgeworth: So the one who inflicted the fatal blow was the defendant?

Nichody: ...Yes, that is correct. But Master Sorin tried to take all of the blame onto himself.

(Y/N): This is bad. 

Maya: Now what? 

Phoenix: Hopefully we can get something out of him. 


Phoenix questioned something about hiding the body. 

Phoenix: What did you do with the body? 

Nichody: After saying he would take the blame, Master Sorin passed out. That's when I hid the body. I quickly took the lift down to the hold... ...where I hid Gloomsbury's still-warm body in the spare Pegabull lantern.

Phoenix: So it was you who hid the body, not the defendant?

Nichody: To think Mr. Butz would move the lantern containing the body to the reception hall... Well, I did not see that coming.

(Y/N): OBJECTION!! Nichody, you said the body was still warm when you hid it, correct? So then, what if... ...Mr. Gloomsbury was still alive when you went to put his body inside the lantern...?

Nichody: WHAT?! 

He seemed to be fazed in that moment. 


Edgeworth: That's preposterous!

Phoenix: Actually, this shows that the victim might have still been alive while inside the lantern!

Judge: Hmm... I'm afraid you'll have to point out which part you're talking about, Mr. Wright.

Phoenix showed the handle of the lantern. 

Phoenix: As you can see, the back end of the lantern is a door. And there's blood here on the wheel handle!

Edgeworth: OBJECTION!! That bloodstain must have gotten there when the witness put the body inside the lantern. It, in no way, shows that the victim drew his last breath while he was within the lantern!

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