The Girls Bust Out!!

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At Count Bleck's Castle...

O'Chunks had returned to tell Count Bleck about how he lost to you.

Nastasia: Yeah, so... I guess the hero went ahead and stomped you and sent you back here?

O'Chunks: Yeh gotta forgive me, Count! I've failed yeh! I've never felt less chunky in me life!

Bleck: Bleh heh heh heh heh heh... So our hero is real... Yes... A force to be reckoned with...

He soon turned his attention to Nastasia.

Bleck: Nastasia, the prophecy. Consult it and learn where the hero will go next... We will lay a devious trap for him and bring him to his very KNEES! BLECK!

Nastasia: Already ahead of that Count. I sent Mimi to lay a trap.

Bleck: This pleases Count Bleck. Excellent work, Nastasia. I have granted Mimi powers potent enough to ensure that she will obliterate this hero. Yes, he will be helpless against her.

He extends his cape.

Bleck: I depart! Alert Count Bleck when this "hero" is no more! BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK!

He leaves with the Dark Prognosticus coming with him.

Nastasia: Yeah, I'll fire off a memo on that...but for now, we have another item on the agenda... O'Chunks, you got a sec?

O'Chunks: Yeah? What is it?

Nastasia: Yeah, so some minions in the Bowser orginization are still resisting assimilation. So I'm heading out to squash the resistance...and while I'm gone I want you to stay here. Yeah... You just sit tight and think about your recent job performance, 'K?

She takes off.

O'Chunks: Aw... I... Gah, this really tweaks me chin hairs!

Meanwhile... somewhere in the castle...

Peach, the Humane 7, and Team RWBY all woke up on the floor.

Peach: What the?

Sunset: Hey! It's Princess Peach!

Peach: Ah, good, hello friends. It's good to see you're all o- Wait, what is this?

Rainbow: Probably that freaky count's castle. Man, my head hurts.

Yang: Mine too. Man, we really crashed that wedding! Eh?

Rarity: We get it Yang. And that's not funny.

Blake: Wait, something's off. Wasn't Jack with us?

Peach: Jackson?! That's right! He was there!

Ruby: So, wait what are we going to do th-

???: Oh good! There they are!

A Hammer Bro and a Koopa came in.

Weiss: You two are Bowser's minions.

Hammer Bro: We thought you ladies would be around here somewhere.

Fluttershy: Are you both alright?

Koopa: Yeah, but who knows what happened. That was one CRAZY wedding! We can't even find His Groomness! You remember... King Bowser? Oh... and there was that guy who was around (Y/N)'s age. Jack, right? We can't find him.

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