Sammer's Kingdom!!/End of a World!!

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At Count Bleck's Castle...

No one except Nastasia and O'Chunks were seen in the main chambers.

O'Chunks: Raise yer chunks in the air, as the most debonair man o' men strides into the room! Springin' forth from 'is lair as 'is foes all despair, for Bleck be the name o' their doom!

The Scottish Warrior stomps his foot.

O'Chunks: Whooa-OH! That's our Bleck! Blecky, Bleckity, DOOOO! Yeh, uh, somethin' Bleck... That's the guy who says... Woo?

Mimi then appeared out of nowhere.

Mimi: FOR FUCK'S SAKE!! KNOCK IT OFF O'CHUNKS!!! You're breaking windows! What are you yelling about?

Nastasia: Oh, that? Yeah, I just had O'Chunks come up with a nice motivational tune. And as punishment for getting beat by that hero AGAIN, I'm making him sing it 1,000 times.

Mimi: 1000... 1,000 TIMES?! Gosh, you're even more evil than I thought! Hey, but enough chatting! So where's the count, huh? I wanna see him! He hasn't called me to go do anything, and I'm getting SOOOOOOOOO BORED!

???: Hey!

Mr. J appears from a smoke cloud.

Mr. J: I'm all trained up and ready to roll out! And this time, I won't lose!!

Nastasia: Yeah, great enthusiasm, but the thing is, the count kinda left specific orders for us to stand by. Got that?

Mimi: No way! We're just supposed to wait here for that big, mean hero to come get us?

Mr. J: So the Count doesn't need us? Excellent. I'll just be off, then.

Nastasia: Nastasia: YOU GO NOWHERE! We wait! It's the count's direct order! His word is absolute! Be a good little minion and DO NOT MOVE UNTIL TOLD! ...'K? Thanks.

And with that, the secretary teleports out.


Mr. J:And I need to punch something!

???: Ah ha ha. Hard to stay still when you pine for sweet vengance, isn't it?

Dimentio showed up.

Mr. J: Dimentio!

Dimentio: The count's orders are all absolute...completely without exception, yes? We shouldn't even dare to think about a secret sneak attack. Perish the thought! Defeating the hero would please the count greatly...but we MUST follow orders!

Mimi: ......... Oopsie! I just remembered something real important that I gotta do! Back in a jiffy! Bye!

Mr. J: So do I! Later!

Mimi soon left, and Mr. J did too!

Dimentio: Ah ha ha. My, my, isn't that something? I do believe I should be moving on as well.

Dimentio took his leave as well.


Shounen Hero (Book 9)!!!!!!!!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن