99. Merrick X Willie's niece Reader!

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It had been a restless day for the ancient vessel of zen aku, Merrick had been wandering around the city of Turtle Cove, trying to find something to do. It had been a while ( more like thousands of years) since he had a day off from his ranger and protector animaría duties and he wanted to enjoy it while he could. That's when he decided to pay a visit to his old friend Willie's bar. A small little shack where people came to play pool and have a great time. The first time he went he learned the master of the pool and was rewarded with a new ensemble alongside a new friend. When his mind was scattered stopping by was always a great alternative to extra training and whatnot.

As Merrick walked in and saw a small group of people playing pool. He walked over to the table and studied as they played, when one young gentleman finished he gave him a small applause and the latter gave him a toothy grin. That's when out of the corner of his eye he noticed a girl with a cue stick in her hand. She was S/T with e/c and h/c, her eyes were focused in sniper precision like Taylor's eagle zord. Her back was straight and aligned with the stick and with a couple of test thumps, the end of the stick collided with the ball knocking it into the designated hole. Unbeknownst to him the small group he had watched behind him had also noticed the girl and gave her a large applause. Merrick couldn't believe anyone with such pre-scion and skill could be right in front of her "She was good - really good" he thought to himself.

Making his way towards her Merrick had the idea to join her for a friendly little game since Willie's was his turf anyways he thought. "Nice shot," Merrick said, impressed. The girl turned around and smiled at him. "Thanks, I'm Y/N. You here to play?" You said sticking out your hand for him to shake which he replied with a nod and a semi-firm shake. "Sure I am. Name's Merrick." He said and you gestured for him to grab another cue stick behind you.

It wasn't long before you both began to play and it quickly became apparent that you were evenly matched. Your focus on the ball and cue stick was good but your execution sometimes faltered especially when you would sometimes skew the stick offsetting the course of the ball. Merrick on the other hand didn't have that issue and could get the ball to the hole though his focus wasn't always perfect it seems you both had faults that the other didn't but that didn't knock you both down. You both have a competitive spirit and respectively did not want to lose.

Towards the end of the match you both began to get to know each other, you had explained you were visiting turtle cove during your university break and Merrick had explained he had become a new resident from a "far away place" that you probably didn't know. You had tried to guess as you had taken a couple of geography classes but couldn't for the life of you figure out where he was from. " So did you just drop down from a floating island or something?" You asked jokingly. Merrick paused for a second a little taken aback you might have known about animaría but soon calm down as you erupted into a hearty chuckle at the thought of him hopping off such a mystical and probably "make-belief" place.
With the match at the end, Merrick found himself drawn to your confidence and your sense of humor despite the little you had known each other.

Coming to terms with the end of your game you both placed the cue sticks in the respective container and made your way to the counter to get you both some drinks after a grueling session that is when a large boom erupted into the place.  A very familiar group of bikers walked in, and Merrick recognized them immediately - they were the same bikers he had fought off a few weeks ago. They had come back for a rematch. You on the other hand began to grit your teeth, these were the same knuckleheads that had been bothering your uncle. This was the reason for your visit.

Anger oozed out of you startling Merrick who saw the determination in your eyes, " Y/n could you head to the back I can handle them"  he whispered to you as the grumbling men began to enclose the exit. " Run off not a chance they've been giving my poor uncle a hard time!" You said making your hand into a fist. Merrick's eyes widened at the revelation, you were Willie's niece! Despite not wanting you to be harmed, Merrick gave you a nod. You looked back at him and saw he wasn't going to back down from a fight. these bikers had caused trouble for your uncle before, and you weren't going to let them get away with it again.

Together, Merrick and you fought off the bikers, first, you grabbed your pool cues as weapons knocking the bikers to the ground one by one like dominos. In one instance Merrick pulled you close to him and you used your legs to kick anyone coming near. It was a tough fight, but you both emerged victorious with a couple of scrapes. Soon the bikers went packing with your cursing at them to ever make an appearance back at the bar.

you both understandably were a little shaken up, but also were exhilarated by the adrenaline rush. Grabbing a nearby seat you took in some deep breaths before busting out laughing. " I think one of them cried out for their mommies" Merrick piped up, " not even their mommies could save them from this ass whooping ," you said playfully punching the air.

Merrick gave you a toothy grin which you replied with a similar one, you soon leaned in and he followed suit. Your orbs met each other with very little air between you, it seemed as if you both had become entranced. Your heart began to beat so rapidly that a soft murmur exited your lips. Little by little your lips moved forward together before eventually meeting. As if almost naturally you pressed yours against his fulfilling the kiss. It was a spontaneous gesture, but it felt right. So soft and warm you thought to yourself.

" Lord have mercy what do you think you're doing with my niece" a voice interrupted capsizing you both to Yelp out and pull away. Standing in front of you in his apron was the owner and your uncle himself Willie who was waving a very hot spatula in his hand. " Oh, uncle willie you always do this?" You said feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. " After everything I've done for you, you locking lips with my niece and fighting in my bar" Willie bellowed playfully. Merrick paled at the sight in front of him and angry Willie with a hot spatula was not a great position to be in. You giggled, your uncle was always protective over you even though you were taking down grown men half your size.

The rest of the evening was spent fixing up the bar from the earlier mess alongside a stern warning of what would happen if Merrick overstepped with you despite your pleas for your uncle to stop embarrassing you. Heading out you and Merrick walked hand in toe. "I had a great time playing with you," Merrick said and you gave him a nod "We should do it again sometime" you replied and he pulled you close. "I'd like that." He said giving you a small peck.

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