7 Madness

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POV Jack

It's healing quite well, the gunshot wound on my other shoulder. That girl, private, shot me some time ago. This will leave a scar but nothing more.

Two days ago I went to see her again, I've been doing this from the day she left us. I was there when she died, I have no right to see her on her birthday but only her death day. This is what I think, that's what Shawn thinks.

Time has come to go and give my squad some training again. This is when we practice their muscles and stamina by sit ups. After that they need to learn marching with a gun.  Colonel Moon wants to see how troops are developing. Well, he sure will have a disappointment.

I grab the shirt from chair and put it on. My fingers button it up quickly and then I took my army green jacket to put it over the shirt. Once again I look at my reflection in the mirror. Looking good so far, at least on the surface.

I huff before going out. The sun is shining bright even though it's September, I had to cover my eyes a bit while I walk down the steps. My hat was left into my barrack, I didn't bother to take it with me today.

Something made me feel weird all of a sudden and I stop. I turn my head towards the entrance of the barrack where my squad is staying. My eyes widen as I saw Private Arendelle standing in the beginning of their stairs.

She's staring at me, standing there in the army suit meant to hide us in the surrounding areas. I notice how her hand lifts up and she holds her right hand over her forehead, her eyes look at me with... wait.. shit... is that some sort of pitying? The look in her eyes is sad.

Then I startle, quickly I put my hand down from my own forehead. She saluted me back. "Ease soldier," I order her and she drops her hand down. "And stop fucking staring me Arendelle," I yelled at her when I turn my back at her. I heard her shouting 'yes sir' after me. No comments from her. This is new.

Private Arendelle ran past me. The sight made me sigh loudly. She's running late today as usual. Women always take their time to get ready. If Colonel Moon would check out the list which I made of the cons of women in the army he would sent them all away.

"No time for stupid formalties!" I shouted on top of my lungs. They were already forming a line when they saw me getting   close. "Run couple rounds and then get your sorry asses here," I yelled. They started running and I used the time to get the guns. They should try weapon marching soon,  Colonel Moon wants to see new troops performing some sort of presentation. Useless and total waste of time in my opinion.

Last one of them to arrive was Haddock. He looks at the guns in disgust. "Everyone grab one, we will try gun marching," I told them as I took one. I place it against my shoulder.

"You all hopefully know that we have half  step march. Our step is just 15 inches so follow after me and I don't want to see any screwing up on this one," I shouted as I began to show the steps to them. Nice they got the idea. Even that Arendelle, well. Maybe she has done catwalk so she knows how to walk. I glance at her, she's actually doing quite fine but let's see how she'll manage when we start to take our guns into the march as well. Her walking is uh, kind of swaying.


I turn my head back to the direction where we're walking. It's the running course in the base. My heart is beating inside my chest oddly even though I'm not that exhausted from the walk. It's like I'm about to have a heart attack but that's not the case.

"Now start to move your guns from shoulder to front and against your chest. At one point you need to throw them to air. Just don't screw up and follow my lead!" I shouted.

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