34 Trust to be Earned

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Previous chapter "Anger" was a oneshot which had nothing to do with "Private and the Captain". It was my way of dealing with things, through writing.

Enjoy the following chapter


POV Hiccup

It feels great to be alive with everyone. We were out from the base and action when our main base was attacked. However now we have this nice and cozy base at Captain North's home.

Now that everyone is back in shape after our mission in Corona I feel much better. Even though better would be to have no wars at all. Maybe I'll run out to be the President of Berk some day so I can use my verbal skills more than the language of the weapons?

"Hiccup, what are you thinking?" Astrid smiled and sat next to me. She handed me a cup of juice which I gladly accepted.

"I was thinking about home," I grinned as my hand reached to pat the head of Toothless. I felt his wet tongue licking at my fingers so I quickly waved my hand to get the saliva off.

Astrid laughed a bit, "Well I think of it too sometimes."

"Yeah," I exhaled and then took a sip of the drink I was holding. It tasted like summer, fresh flavors of orange, apple and such.

I glance to my left and I see Merida leaning against the doorway. She is keeping her arms crossed and clearly thinking of something.

"Oh you noticed too," Astrid whispered.

"Yeah. She has been like that for couple of days," I shrugged.

"She didn't want to join us when I asked her to," Astrid sighed.

"That's Mer to you," Elsa giggled as she sat next to us.

"Where were you?" I questioned.

"Just came from the room next to this. Hiro was showing me some computer programs which he created. Now he is quite annoyed by GoGo because she wants the programs to be faster," Elsa sounded a bit amused.

Eugene passed Merida and was now walking towards us.

"Hey, Colonel Moon wants to see you Hiccup," Eugene said and waited until I got up. He took my seat and I waved my hand to others after I gave my glass to Astrid.

Captain's were having a conversation at dining room when I was walking on the hallway.

I nearly bumped up to Punzie who was carrying a tray with juices. She smiled widely and I laughed a bit.

"You're in a hurry Punz," I chuckled.

"Yes but so were you. Where are you going?" Punzie grinned.

"Colonel Moon asked to see me," I smiled.

"Oh, well I better to get these beverages to Captain's. They might be thirsty," she shrugged and went towards the kitchen.

I went outside and towards Colonel Moon's portable command centre.

After knocking the door I was immediately asked to enter. I saw Shawn standing near Colonel Moons table.

"Close the door Haddock," Colonel Moon suggested and I nodded my reply.

When the door closed Colonel Moon cleared his throat.

"As you both must know, I've been struggling with certain things like betrayal," Colonel Moon stood up and began to walk around.

"Yes sir," I replied.

"And now I have found you two as trustworthy. Shawn as he has no military background besides his family and he is against this whole army concept--," Colonel spoke and I heard Shawn coughing like he was bothered , "—and you Hiccup as you did well in Jack's test once."

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