5 Strength of Soldier

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POV Hiro

I stare at the training field. This time it looks different. There is a line of big car tires and I assume that we need to run over them. After them is a start and finish line drawn to ground but I don't know what it's for. Maybe we have to race?

The summer is closing to end and there's raining lightly. Just few drops of water which cools us down nicely.

"Hamada and Arendelle. Haddock and Fitzherbert. First you run through this obstacle," Captain Frost pointed at tires. "You better not miss any, your feet must go inside each tire," he explained.

Elsa raised her hand while standing next to me. "Captain. You cannot mean that we need to jump from tire to tire?" Elsa questioned.

"NO! Are you fucking dump! You run this through. Fuck, do I have to show everything to young blondie," he yelled and went in the beginning of the obstacle course. We watch how he runs through it, there's two lines of tires. He runs without stumbling to any of the tires.

"See! Not so hard huh!" Captain Frost panted out loud. Elsa's face was deep red.

"After running this through you will carry your partner from start line to finish line on your backs," Captain Frost said while catching his breath.

"Arendelle and Hiro shall do this first," Captain hissed and stands back straight.

I go in front of the tire obstacle. I start to run but my feet got stuck in the first tire and I fell over the rest.

"Get up and continue!" Captain Frost ordered. I push myself back up and I ran the rest. This time I lifted my feet more.

"Next up is the little lady," Captain Frost grinned deviously. Elsa locks her eyes with the Captain's and starts to run.

She was really fast and light on her steps. This was easy for her.

"GREAT JOB ELSA!" I cheered her and we high fived quickly. Elsa was laughing happily.

"Average," Captain Frost huffed. Then we waited for Hiccup and Eugene.

"First ones to carry their partners are Arendelle and Fitzherbert. Lets see which one wins," Captain Frost smirked and looks at us. I glance at Elsa.

"You can do it," I smile to Elsa as I lay down on the ground. I glance at Hiccup who is laying opposite to me.

"One, two, three CARRY!" Captain Frost shouted and Elsa kneels next to me. She places my arm over her shoulder and starts to lift me up. We fell all of a sudden.

I look at Hiccup and Eugene. Eugene is already carrying Hiccup close to finish line.

"C'mon Elsa! You can do this," I whisper to her as she tries again.

Oh why did I eat that big breakfast today.

"ARENDELLE!" Captain Frost roared. Elsa dropped me when she startled Captain's angry shout. I get up and I stand next to Elsa.

"I fucking gave you the smallest man in our team to carry and you failed! Do you really think that you suit into army?" Captain shouted close to Elsa's face. Elsa was trying her best to remain calm.

"She tried sir," I spoke aloud and Captain glared at me.

"TRYING IS NOT ENOUGH!! If you just fucking try your team mate will be left dying on the field with severe wounds. You need strength and will power to get their sorry asses up so you could carry them to safety," Captain Frost yelled and I saw how furious he was.

"B-but I.. I'm still in training," Elsa tried to explain and Captain laughed at her. I saw how her eyes filled with tears.

"Yeah so start taking it seriously. You almost drowned a while back. You are a loser blondie, nothing more. Get the fuck out from my sight," he said bitterly.

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