24 The Winter Exam

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POV Elsa

This is the weekend when we're taking our exam, also in Sunday it's going to be Captains birthday. I haven't spoken to him alone since Eugene stole the files of him. He was so mad and he has been throwing angry glares at me when we saw each other at the base or in training.

Inside my pocket is a small wrapped gift box, something I got for him. Shawn got his present yesterday and he was really happy to get one. Shawn was always keen on finding inspiration from nature for his music so I asked Anna to get some CD's from Arendelle's rich nature, all the sounds of streaming ponds to birds chirping from love. Captain Frost was much harder case and I'm just nervous that he will throw his gift towards the sky and let the northern wind blow it out from the surface of the earth.

"Shit, I wonder which bag is the useless one," Eugene mumbled. "I really wish I get it," he continued and sighed loudly when he got one of the sealed bags.

I got also a bag for me right next where Eugene took his. I threw it over my back. We would be transferred outside from town and to hike up a hill. There would be a camp place which we need to set and then survive through weekend. Captain Toothiana's squad returned yesterday, they were also supervised by Captain Frost and none of them failed even though they complained about how freezing it was.

We were brought to the nature. There was no shelter or signs of people living in this area. The basic idea for this exam is for us to survive in conditions that are bad.

"Listen up everyone!" Captain Frost shouted when we threw our bags to our backs. We turn around to see him, he had large black circles around his eyes. He was clearly exhausted, no one had seen him at the base for days. He had been here supervising the exercise.

"Sir, yes sir!" We shouted when we lined up.

Captain pointed up at the hill. There was a steep climb up, at first we need to go through a small forest.

"Climb up, then spent two nights on top of that hill. Boil your water, gather firewood and don't freeze to death. The conditions will go worse than this when I go to my station and give you a nice little blizzard," Captain Frost chuckled and gave a devious grin. Hiro was shivering next to me, in fact all of my squad members were shivering. They're not used to cold like I am.

"Where's the camp site Captain?" Hiccup asked.

Captain Frost rolled his eyes as he dug out a map from his pocket as well as a compass.

"Geez, I wish that you wouldn't have asked so you would've been lost because of your own stupidity. The camp is marked to the map. My tent is already set there. Good luck and no helping others with supplies," he mumbled and sent us off.

"Gosh we're going to die," Hiro whispered.

"No we're not," I tried to cheer him up. I look over my shoulder and I saw how Captain flew off. Soon after that a blizzard came, he is the one controlling the winter here.

"My nose is freezing," Eugene gasped as he lifted up his coat's collar.

"Because it's too big," Hiro chuckled and made Eugene growl angrily.

"Save your energy," I scolded them.

We were now walking inside the forest, this kind of icy wind is nothing yet because once we're out from the protection of the trees. That's when it's getting cold. I could calm down the storm a bit but then my powers would be exposed to everyone. I'm not ready yet.

"I wonder who got the bad bag," Hiccup sighed aloud.

"I hope it's me and if it's not, then we can change,"Eugene muttered. He was sad looking.

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