2 Shot Heart

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POV Toothiana

Finally it was time for lunch. I've been starving since breakfast which was early because I had some training with my cadet's. Gladly I wasn't alone when I got into the Mess where we get our food served.

I immediately recognized the messy type of silvery white hair and I got my tray. Okay, he is looking grumpy again. "Oh Jack, what's bothering you again," I cheered as I messed up his hair. He responded with a groan and I kiss his forehead. "You really should try to relax sometimes," I giggled.

"We are training new troops. How could I relax?" He mumbled and leans back. His arms are crossed over his chest and he left rest of his lunch uneaten. I roll my eyes at him.

"So how did your squad like their new dogs?" I grinned. My team sure was pleased.

"They didn't get any today," Jack chuckled.

"What?" I gasped.

"Yeah, maybe later. I need to beat them up first a bit before they are ready for one," Jack smiles to me and takes his fork. He is playing with his food. Typical.

"But they should be training with their dogs!" I pointed out.

"Well you remember when I got Staff? It took me a while to get control over him," Jack sighs. He is now using his peas as cannon balls that he is sling shooting with his fork. I look over my shoulder.

"Jack! Stop teasing Bunnymund!" I hissed quietly and he puts his fork back down.

"Yea, yea. I will give them their dogs tomorrow," Jack rolled his eyes and was again his arrogant self.

"Mmmhhmm... Anyway, how are you feeling about having a woman in your squad? I suggested it to Colonel Moon and he was thinking that it's a good idea. I really find having a male in my squad refreshening," I giggle out and I see Jack's expression hardening.

"So it's your fault?" He snapped and I nod my head. He is getting mad.

"What's so bad about her?" I insisted to know.

"She's a woman, I don' need women in my squad," Jack said emotionlessly and I sigh.

"Jack' I'm a woman and we used to work together," I said as I tried to make him think of it again.

"Well you are different Captain Toothiana," Jack sighed and stood up. He took his tray and poured his leftovers to trash before leaving. He is hard to figure out sometimes.

"What's up with Ice pants?" Bunnymund asks as he sits next to me.

"The usual, the usual. Do you think that he will ever forgive and accept?" I sighed and Bunnymund sighs.

"Shewt, mayeet was pritty upset when tha Guardians ar not togethah ayeenimor," Bunny mumble in his strong Aussie accent.

"Yes, we all were sad when they made us break up as a team and made us into Captains to train new troops. However life should continue," I told to Bunnymund.

"Crikey mayeet, tell him that and I will lift my hayeet for ey," Bunny chuckles and leans against the table. His muscular arms have tribal tattoos circling around on his tanned skin. His eyes are bright green and he has blonde, little grayish short spiky hair. He is in good shape for having his thirtieth birthday last easter.

We discussed about our training methods and what kind of people our privates were. It seems like we have strong ones this year. "So do you already know what's special in them?" I asked and Bunnymund shook his head.

Colonel Moon was running this place and this is secrectly a training place for specially gifted recruits. However it takes some time before our privates trust in us to show what they are made of and concerning Jack's methods. I really believe that he will be in trouble to gain the trust of his privates with that attitude.

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