23 Time for Truth

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POV Shawn

I wave my hand to her when she gets outside the gates of the base. Quickly she walks towards me with a smile on her face.

"Shawn, I'm glad that you could make it!" She sighed in relief. I laugh and lift up the collar of my jacket, it's rather cold outside and my neck is freezing.

"No problem, so to the shopping mall?" I grinned as we were walking through the piles of snow. She nodded her head and then she looks at the crystal blue sky.

"I'm just wondering still... why did you get back into military? It's just that you left me a message of not coming back when you left from Burgess to your own home," I muttered and ruffle my hair before putting my hands back to the warmth of my pockets.

"I told you already. It's something that I need to do and soon we will be called as soldiers," she said in enthusiasm.

"Mmmh... that's what I'm most worried about. Then you have to go to field," I sighed when we were almost there. We saw the smallish mall coming out around the corner. Finally some warmth.

"I can handle myself," she said quickly, a slight touch of irritation was lingering in her voice.

"Jack is what I worry about. I'm not sure if he can keep his squad in safety... also I don't approve the fact that you're taking likings towards him," I said to her and I glance at her. She bit her bottom lip nervously as she does always when I bring out a subject that's hard on her.

"You should speak with him. There's something you don't know," she said quietly and clenched her hands when I opened up the mall door to her. She went inside first.

"That you're sleeping with him? Trust me, I know you and him too well," I snapped. An awkward silence landed between us and I was sure that she would ran off but she didn't.

"I didn't mean that... but he should tell you what really happened back then," Elsa gulped.

"When?" I insisted when we headed to our usual cafeteria.

"When Emma...," Elsa began but quieted down quickly. Her eyes were sad now as we sat to one of the tables.

"Wait," I gasped and stopped her. "He told you what happened?" I spoke quickly as I grabbed to her shoulders.

"You're hurting me Shawn," Esa whispered. Her eyes were terrified. "He needs to tell you, I could arrange you two to meet?" She smiled a bit but I shook my head.

"He wouldn't come and I'm not sure if I even want to see him," I spoke bitterly. He had done too many things I disapprove with.

"We're friends, aren't we? Please... try it," she insisted, her eyes were looking at me determinedly.

"Whoa... says the woman who is screwing him?" I hissed and lean over the table.

"That's really not nice to say," Elsa said with a slight sob.

"He is messing your head and that I sure want to see," I replied to her coldly as I lean back on the chair. A lady came to ask what we want and I told her to bring the usual order for us. Soon she brought Elsa her hot chocolate and me my regular coffee.

"So, you're coming?" She said after a moment of silence. I nodded my head.

"Just say when," I mumbled, she nodded her head and gave a faint smile.

"You two will make up," Elsa sighed and took a sip from her hot chocolate.

I look while people are passing us. The sales after Christmas have begun and people are mindlessly shopping things they don't actually even need.

Private and the Captain ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big xDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora