20 Guarding the Treasure

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POV Elsa

He really did give me a permit to leave from the base for my birthday which is tomorrow, 21st of December. I was born in the day of Winter Solstice. Now I'm on my way to thank him for it because when someone in my status has their 21st birthday it is always a big thing. I found out that he had gone to office barrack building where higher ranked superiors are like Colonel Moon.

It's just that I feel so out of place while I'm walking on the corridor. The doors and the frames are made from dark wood as well as the wall panels which reach half towards the ceiling. Otherwise the walls are depressing green color which reminds me poison that takes your joy of life away.

Suddenly I noticed how Captain Frost was pacing in the room which was in the end of the corridor. The door was narrowly open and he was apparently meeting Colonel Moon whose office it was. I found it out from the name tag in the wall.

I sat waiting on a chair outside Colonel Moon's office. Then I would thank Captain Frost for keeping his promise. My ride will arrive in less than hour and then I'm going to home this time. Not into our leisure time mansion which is nearer the base.

Since the door was open I couldn't avoid hearing parts of their conversation.

"Dad!" Captain Frost groaned. His voice was nearly shaking.

"I'm really happy that you two are getting along better like I wanted you to be," Colonel Moon said warmly.

"I'm still not happy about this. I can't work with her, she's--," Captain Frost was panting out. He was clearly upset.

"You should still continue working with your relationship with her. She is going to be your partner," Colonel Moon continued.

"Private Arendelle is not ready, way not ready," Captain Frost yelled angrily.

My heart began beating rapidly. They were talking about me, Colonel Moon wants me and Captain to get along for some reason.

"No matter if you like it or not, she's your new assist on field and will replace Baby Tooth," Colonel Moon stated and mentioned Captain's sister.

"Well I don't," Captain grunted.

"Take it as an order, be friends with her like I told you to do before."


That was the point when I was done listening. He never was showing me kindness, it was all an act and an order to him. Done by his father.

Quickly I got my things and went to pickup place where limousine was waiting. I didn't bother to change my clothes. I thought that I was helping him by being nice to him but he was deceiving me, that cold asshole.

I hate him.

The day changed into another and Anna came to wake me up in my room. She jumped to the queen sized bed with pillars and started laughing. She sang me 'Happy birthday' and shut me into embrace when I sat down.

"Thank you Anna," I whispered even though the treacherous person from yesterday was still bothering my mind.

"I'm so happy that you'll stay here now. But why did you quit the training?" She questioned.

"None reason which should concern you," I smiled to her reassuringly. Before leaving from the base I had gone to inform that I won't come back. For the sake of myself I have to let it go, it was just a silly girls idea anyway.

"Oh," Anna pouted. I smiled to her slyly and then I waved my left hand in the air and I gave her a bouncing miniature snowman with charcoals as eyes and mouth.

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