21 Ghosts on Christmas

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POV Colonel Moon

It took me the whole day to finish up paperwork on the latest mission of the Guardians. After their first big failure that took my daughter's life and shattered my son I decided to get them out of action. Then I had to bring the team back together to work on the field but Pitch Black knows the way the team acts and was able to surprise them again. For months I've been gathering things to report and now I can send it further.

When I got up I needed to stretch, I'm not young anymore and sitting around gets me.

I walk into the night, through the snowy base area and towards the gate. I wished Merry Christmas to gate guards before heading out.

I look up but I can't see the starry sky because of the city lights that lighten the night. There was no one seeing so I whistled, like I've done since I was able to and then I felt the familiar wind around me. It carried me up and finally I was able to see, all the thousands of stars that have been shining above us for many ages of man. However most of them are dead and sometimes I wonder if my own brother is a star in the sky, guiding my daughter. Emmet, my brother who never was able to feel the warmth of sun on his skin or fall in love like I did.

Speaking of love.

I glance down and I see how the smoke rises from my homes chimney. I land down in front of the door, there's a Christmas decoration hanging on the door in the rich colors of red and green. Sarah had left the porch light on and I go up the stairs. I wipe my feet and open the door to get in.

"Honey, I'm home," I called her and I saw her coming out from kitchen. Her warm smile melted my heart and she wipes her hands to her apron, she was probably baking some cookies from the looks and smell of it. She came to hug me and then helped my coat off from me.

I place my suitcase in the entry hall and I go to living room. I see Shawn in front of piano, playing some notes. He doesn't even look at my direction.

"Shawn, it is nice to see you downstairs," I said to him when I sat on the couch. Sarah brought some fresh cookies and milk for us and I touch her hand quickly.

"Mm... nice to see you at home during humanly hours," Shawn muttered and got up after closing the lid on piano. He comes to sit next to me. Holidays have been rough lately.

"Do you think that Jack will come home this Christmas?" Sarah asked. She had left her apron to kitchen and sat on the arms chair.

"No, I don't think so. He has a mission," I replied blankly.

"Hah, just like you. Always working and guess what, I'm happy that he is gone," Shawn laughed and ate the cookie he was holding angrily.

"You can't say that of your brother. Even though we can't have everyone home I wish that both my sons would be here for Christmas," Sarah cried and got up. I heard how she ran upstairs.

"Shawn, you should apologize to your mother," I said strictly but now Shawn got up.

"Well it's not my fault that you made Jack go into some mission this year. I don't even think that he would've come in the first place because he is responsible of what happened to Emma. Therefore he is no longer my brother," Shawn hissed and went upstairs.

Now I was left alone in the living room. Only light sources were the shimmering Christmas tree and the fire place. My only company was the cracking wood. I turn the television on and watch some old series.

"James," Sarah called me.

"Yes," I mumbled.

"It is Christmas eve. You didn't come to bed," she whispered. I look towards the stairs, she was wearing her pyjamas.

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