A Hidden Chapter 1

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Hidden chapters are scenes that occurred in some time and space in the book and you don't know about it yet.

They might come out when you least expect them and they won't be longer than a page.

Ps. The picture you're seeing is the new cover made as a commission from my lovely friend Starmageasuka . She is a superb Jelsa artist . I just added the text to her fabulous Jelsa drawing so it could be the cover xD.


"Step away from the doors!" The guard shouted just before a loud beep.

Jack took a step back when the door began to move inside the wall. He watched how one by one the iron bars disappeared from sight.

"Prisoners, out!" The guard yelled.

Like he had done for few months Jack stepped outside from his cell. He joined the orange line of men and walked down from the third storage all the way to the basement. There he would have the laundry shift, next week he would have shift in kitchen and after that the cleaning.

However he didn't complain. He did his duties calmly, accepting his fate as a imprisoned former military Captain. Soon it would be dinner time anyway and after that some casual hanging around. No one in here was that bad, just regular guys who were afraid to go into war and run off, then being caught.

He sighed when he got his dinner. The time he had there was just pure waiting. Waiting the days to pass, waiting food, waiting to get into a shower, waiting to get into yard. Just waiting and waiting. People made plans of what they do after getting out. Some planned on hugging their mothers, some wanted to get back to their children.

Jack stared at his tray, he started to eat the slice of bread he had. Everything felt so pointless.

"Yo man," the guy called Tramp sat next to him.

"Hey Tramp," Jack replied like he couldn't care less.

"So...I heard that you'll get out in couple months. Do you have any plans?" He grinned. Probably he is after something.

"Nothing spectacular," Jack replied.

"I heard a rumor that you sent some papers to a private military unit. Why do you want to get back into war?" Tramp frowned. "I mean many of us have just given up but you... it is like you have a death wish," he laughed blankly.

A faint smile formed on Jack's face and he put his bread back down. "Well, it's all I can do and it is a royal guard to be exact. I'm not going back to military," he laughed a bit.

"Royal guard..huh... Where in the world is that?" Tramp wondered. "But I heard that you were practically a warhero...no matter what the records say," Tramp grinned.

"Arendelle but... I won't use my own name – it will be a secret until I'm worthy again," Jack laughed.

"Worthy of what?" Tramp chuckled. "A...girl?" Tramp gasped. "Yeah! It's always a girl," he winked his eye.

Jack shrugged. "Perhaps," he replied and decided to take the tray out. He just grabbed his bread from the corner and threw the burnt food to garbage.

Other prisoners were busy playing games and watching TV but Jack headed back to his lonesome suite. He looked around his cell with a toilet and a sink and a single bed. He also had the privilege to have a desk and a chair since he didn't have anyone to share the cell with. His cellmate got freed two weeks ago. Otherwise it was comfy and enough for him but he didn't enjoy doing his business in the toilet with just a half wall as his cover.

Jack laid down on the bed, munching the rest of his bread quickly. He almost suffocated to it because he didn't focus much. He went over the sink and got himself a glass of water.

"Captain Overland," his name was called out and soon after he heard something banging against the iron bars.

It was the guard who frowned, he had knocked the bars with his baton. Jack smiled a bit and went to see the guard.

"Don't call me as a Captain anymore Sultan," Jack greeted the old prison guard.

Sultan sighed, "Well I still don't think that it was fair for you to be sent here but – here's a letter! Hopefully it will brighten up your day!" Sultan laughed and handed Jack the letter.

Jack knew from who it was just by glancing at the envelope. He took it from Sultan and he thanked him.

He went back to his cell and sat on the chair. He opened up the envelope with his finger and pulled out a letter that he folded open quickly. His eyes wandered on the text. Then he started to laugh.

"Well, well... " Jack said and wiped tears from the corners of his eyes. Tears of laughter instead of sorrow.

'Dear JackASS

It has been weeks – no.. months since I last heard from you. This is why I am starting to feel that I'm just now getting to know the real you and you don't give a damn of others than yourself. You called me a bitch and as a piece of meat when I saw you last time. Shawn said that you're trying to protect me but it must be a lie.

Hear me out because this is how I feel of you, Captain.

You are a selfish backstabbing bastard that thinks that he is the only one having issues. I honestly thought that you could change but you're still that chauvinist pig that you were when we met. I hope that you trip to your own feet when you're keeping your nose up and minding your own business, heck... even your words smell like crap!

Stay away from me.

Sincerely yours,

Elsa of Arendelle.'

"I guess this is what I get Elsa, from being such a fool to refuse to have visitors and not writing back to you," Jack laughed as he went to his bed. It was the bottom bunk.

He took the letter and he pinned it up on the bottom of the upper bunk. Before that he took the letter full of words of love and wishes for him to respond off. Every time he got a new letter he switched the previous one with it. These letters were his bedtime stories and motivation.

Jack put his hands behind his neck as he leaned against the pillow. His eyes wandered on the perfectly scribbled letters, reading the letter again and again. Sometimes they even wandered to look at the ice portrait that he had done of her. It was sculpted from his memories since he wasn't allowed to bring the locket he got from her to the prison.

"This letter feels like a challenge my angel, the demon will surely come to haunt you again," Jack said mischievously as his smile turned into a sly one.


Which hidden part would you like to see?

I won't promise there will be a part 2... I will not say when it might happen.. because... they're surprises.

This part was from when Jack was in military prison. A time which I skipped. Hidden chapters are skipped parts. Lol.


If you like smut then check out my new book: The Demon Queen of High School (Jelsa)

And then I have more traditional side of Jelsa in Silenced Memory.

Private and the Captain ( Jelsa / Big 5 / Big xDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora