22 Tricked Again

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POV Toothiana

Everyone returned to the base after spending time however they wanted during the holidays. The first of January brought everyone back and to the normal routines. We've been training with the trainees who are soon going to receive their new ranks as soldiers when they pass the winter exam.

That's only if they pass because it's under surveillance of Jack who surely won't let anyone go easy. Sometimes we have to train in cold conditions under his restriction, that's why Bunnymund gets so grumpy. I mean he is from Australia and not used to the cold but we've all managed from it. The idea of it is to survive as a team which the Private's need to realize.

"Oi, Tooth," Bunny called me. I was just cleaning up my double swords which I use when I feel like it.

"Hi," I smile to him and I place the blades down. I flicker my wings in air as I fly to him and he catches me to his embrace.

"Umm... what if someone sees us," Bunny looks around worryingly.

"By someone you mean?" I insisted and raised my eyebrow.

"Frostbutt. You know that he always searches for something to mess with me," Bunny muttered and let me go down.

I nod my head and grin, "Sounds like him. In any case, did you have something to say to me or why you searched me?"

"Colonel Moon wants everyone to communications room," Bunny whispered and my eyes widened.

"New mission?" I said quietly and I began following him.

"Yeah, new lead. Crikey, I hope that this time it won't be disaster," Bunny exhaled and looks at me. His eyes filled with worry, last time I was wounded quite badly.

"Stop looking at me like that," I laughed and patted his shoulder. He chuckled a bit and gave me a faint smile.

We went to office building in silence. Both of us were probably just trying to think what we would deal with next. Where we would go and for how long.

Jack was sitting on the edge of the table in the corner. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was deep in his thoughts. There was already a map and information screened to the white board, Bunny and I were the last ones to arrive. Sandy and North were sitting on chairs that were put in horseshoe formation and we sat next to them.

"Now that everyone is here I need to explain your mission for this weekend. We've heard from our sources that Pitch Black and the still anonymous members of the organization which he is working for have moved their location into here," Colonel Moon said and patted the map with a stick.

"So we go there and gather information or what?" North questioned. He was the oldest of us, even a bit older than Colonel Moon. They had been friends since they both joined military ages ago.

"I vote for killing everyone," Jack spoke coldly from the corner. I look behind and see the hatred swirling around him like a poisoning presence.

"No. You capture them alive," Colonel Moon raised his voice and gave Jack an angry glare. It was like a father was lecturing his son and actually, that's how it is. Jack is his son and nothing can change it.

Jack groaned and moved restlessly. He wasn't satisfied with that solution.

"We need to interrogate them and find out what their goal is. You know that there have been security breaches in some of the military testing laboratories. Something is up and I trust in you, the Guardians even though your actions are officially buried by now. As before the military doesn't know your existence and therefore can't help you out in tight situation," Colonel Moon spoke. I could tell that he wasn't happy about us being without any possibility to get aid if we get into trouble.

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