38 Fun or Love

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POV Astrid

"Have you seen Captain anywhere?" Elsa asked and made me turn around.

"No! Astrid don't let go of the string!" Merida raised her voice. Quickly I redeemed my grasp on the string which would hang party flags of different shades of blue to hang on the wall.

Elsa was embracing herself while looking at me. "Just a second," I smiled as I placed the loop in the end of the string into a nail.

Merida cursed while she got down from her stool and I got down from mine.

"Seriously mom! How much more of decorations you want!" Merida whined as she left the room. I heard her mom responding something of doing things properly.

"I saw him going out a while back when he came out from basement. That bastard was quite arrogant to Merida's dad by not responding to his question," I sighed.

"Yeah, well... He has been avoiding me today," Elsa whispered.

"I thought that he does that on regular basis," I winked my eye but she seemed to be a bit down.

"Hey girls, what's going on?" Hiccup popped out. He had a set of led lights in his hands.

"I think that I'm going to get ready now... You said that Anna would come tonight right?" Elsa gulped while she tried not to cry.

"Yup, I personally called her," Hiccup laughed and then flinched when Merida's triplet brothers run in from somewhere and took the lights from his hands. "Oh man, I wanted to hang those up," Hiccup pouted.

His expression was amusing which made me giggle a bit and kiss his cheek. "You're really sweet sometimes when you're foolish," I chuckled and Hiccup blushed.

"Mm... Okay so I'll just go into the bathroom, lock myself up and shave my legs with razor since but why would I tell this when no one cares?" Elsa exhaled and turned around. I heard a sob escaping from her.

"Hiccup... She's sad and crying go and do something," I hissed to him.

"Like what?" Hiccup gulped and ruffled his hair.

"Find Captain Frost and tell him to drag his ass to Elsa or I'll do it and I won't handle him gently for hurting her," I stated.

"Okay! I'll get going," Hiccup gasped and turned around.

"Els! Hiccup goes out to look for him," I yelled after her and she glanced over her shoulder with a smile on her. She mouthed a silent thank you and I nodded my head.

When Elsa had left I began to organize the candles on the table and soon I felt someone tapping my shoulder gently. I turn around and I see Hiccup.

"Well, did you found him?" I asked.

"Uh... no... Where should I try to search first? You got any clues?" He laughed nervously and I rolled my eyes.

"Try outside, that's where he went while back," I groaned.

"Thanks!" Hiccup cheered and run out. Soon he returned again, tapping my shoulder.

"What now?" I exhaled and then I blew a hairstrand away from my forehead.

"He is on the roof," Hiccup shrugged.

"Umm... Then go up to the balcony and climb on the roof with him?" I said rather slowly so he would really get my point of going to chat with the Captain.

"Alright, I'll do my best even though he isn't the best guy to chat with," Hiccup chuckled and shrugged it off. Then he headed upstairs and Merida got back.

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