15 Battle Bruises

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POV Merida

I hate when we have to go home for weekends. Now especially since I couldn't ask from Captain Toothiana some extra exercises so I wouldn't have to go at home. Unfortunately all Captains just disappeared from the base.

I'm stuck with my family now. My over concerned mother and three little brothers. My dad is alright, he even bought me a bow when I was just a child but mom. Well she is still trying to push me to be princess like girl. I promised that I would do some compromises when we had that little problem at home. However she needs to realize that army is something I really want to do.

So I'm the girl who accidentally turned her mother into bear few years back. It was scary but yet fun though. Now mom is starting to forget our deal of listening to each other. Oh and my brothers were bears for some time too before they made up with grandpa who passed away last year. Yeah, one complicated family.

The one thing which I like is the fact that I can lay on bed for as long as I want on Saturday mornings at home. This is what I'm doing right now, sleeping late and ignoring the passing time. Sleeping was quite hard though last night. It's like I heard these weird noises from nearby forest.

"Morning dear!" My mother cheered when she barged into my room. I groan and turn to my other side, pulling blanket over my head.

"Ma! I want to sleep!" I murmured but she just ignored my complaining and sat next to me on bed. Slowly she removed the blanket and began to untangle my hair with her hands.

"I just wanted to see you. Ever since you joined to that lousy army I see you so little," she sighed.

"I know, I know but it's important to me and I haven't died yet!" I snapped when I turn to look at her. I saw her startling when I spoke about death and it made me remorseful.

"Sorry," I sighed.

"It's fine Merida. However I wished that you would've studied some noble manors or found a husband instead of going into arts of killing," she sighed.

"Dad was in the army," I whined.

"But he is a man. Speaking of which he is waiting you to join for breakfast," mother chuckled.

Her words made me jump off from bed. Mom left from my room while I was like a raging storm inside my room, getting ready by putting on some clothes and brushing my hair. Well at least I tried to brush my hair.

Thankfully mother was into having a family weekend this time. After the filling breakfast we played some games and spent time together as a family. My worst fear of mom organizing a ball to annoy me didn't happen which I'm forever grateful. Maybe she still somehow remembers what kind of bonding and growing we did together when she was a bear?

We had just had dinner when we sat near the fire place. Dad was doing maintenance at his axe while my brothers were roasting some marshmallows as dessert. Mom was doing some needleworks.

"Mom, dad. I think that I'll go out and practice my bow skills before it gets too dark," I told them.

"That's good idea pumpkin," dad hummed.

"Yes, a good girl knows how to bow in front of a gentleman. Just bend your knees and--," mom said while pushing a needle through the fabric.

"Mom--," I laughed, "- I meant my hunting bow."

Mom lifted her eyes and stares at me, "Oh. Well have fun?"

"Thank you. You can teach me that other stuff later," I grinned as I got up and ran at the door. I grabbed my bow and then I went out after telling them that I will be back late.

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