26 Time for Explaining

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POV Elsa

A soldier. I'm a soldier and I didn't fail. Finally I'm able to learn how in reality to protect my kingdom and people who I care for.

At the moment I'm going out from the base because I'll meet up with Shawn. I'm still working on the idea of getting the two brothers back together. Misunderstanding leaded them apart. Just like Anna and I got separated, well, I actually hurt her and then I shut her out but the way Captain lied to his brother to shut him out is not different.

Shawn was already at the gate, he never came inside the base area as he is repulsed by the military. However he has still continued being a friend of mine even though I chose his brother and I stayed in the military.

"Hi," Shawn smiled faintly. He had a thick winter jacket on and a scarf around his neck. His cheeks were pink because of the cold winter air which I never saw happening to Jack who always had the same pale skin unless he was blushing.

"Nice to see you again," I grinned and joined him on the other side of the gate. Shawn just huffed and we began walking, I could see that he had been waiting some time and was getting cold.

"Anything new at work?" I asked hopefully to break the ice between us. The invisible ice that I didn't create.

"Nope. Should we go for a cup of coffee? It's freezing outside," he shivered and tucked his hands better inside his pockets when he glanced at me.

"Let's go into park. There's an ice skating ring and a stand that sells hot drinks?" I suggested and he nodded his head.

Once we got into the park we got ourselves the hot drinks and sat into bench. Shawn was somehow distant and in his thoughts.

"I heard that you and Flounder are going to bring some new songs into the bar?" I said while looking at him.

"Yeah, that's true," he sighed.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I questioned while I squeezed my mug in my hands.

He lifted his eyes from his mug and looks straight at me.

"Why did you choose my brother anyway?" Shawn said with his words dripping venom.

"W-well," I stuttered badly.

"I'm waiting." He snapped.

"A-at first I was afraid of him, then I pitied him but there... there was always something good underneath. He can be a jerk but sweet too," I gulped.

Shawn went into his thoughts but suddenly he smiled.

"So you found his soft side again?" He nearly laughed and I nodded my head.

"Then... what the heck happened to him?" He whispered. I heard the suffering in his voice, like he had been mourning his brother's passing even though he still was alive.

"He should tell you by himself, how about next weekend you would meet up with him on Saturday?" I brought the idea to surface again. I wasn't going to do it right away but now I guess the moment was right.

Shawn shook his head and threw his paper cup to ground. The coffee he barely touched spilled into the snow, coloring it. "Just tell me now, it's unlikely that he will. I deserve to know, I lost my little sister and little brother that day. Don't take the opportunity of having one of them back away from me," he insisted. There was a fire in his eyes as the will to know was carving his insides.

I sigh and place my cup to the bench. I turn so I could face him. "Shawn, I'll tell you but please let him explain by himself that day too. Don't stop listening, he told me these horrible things but... you need to know the full story," I said quietly as I took his hand.

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