27 Black as Fear

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POV Elsa

Apparently the Sleigh belongs to Captain North. He flew us into 5 hours distance from the base in the middle of the night. Our dogs kept whimpering inside their cages, they were not used to the situation. I kept on glancing towards Captain Frost, he was sitting with other Captains on the opposite side of the plane.

The seats were going on the walls of the plane. Captain Frost kept on petting his dog Staff, his dog was not afraid of flying and the loud noises. None of the other Captain's had dogs. At some point he noticed my staring, his ice blue eyes nearly pierced my consciousness when his intimidating stare was meeting my gaze. Then he just simply turned his head away.

"Alright! About to land so hold onto something!" Captain North spoke through radio. Hiccup was with him as the co-pilot.

"Ay, I hate flying," Captain Bunnymund groaned and closed his eyes.

"I guess he feels bad," Eugene mumbled close to my ear. He had forgotten that everyone was wearing a helmet with microphones.

"Yeah, so beware soldier... he had carrots before leaving," Captain Frost's annoyed voice spoke through the headphones. We look at his direction and he was now staring at us, his eyes were narrowed in a way that his face was scarily shadowed.

"Jack, calm down," Toothiana muttered.

It was like something was pulling the insides of my stomach. The plane began landing in sharp angle, this was nothing like the flying that I had been experiencing with Captain Frost. My hands grasp to the safety belts and I inhale deeply. This is one bumpy ride.

"If I survive from this, remind me to take Rapunzel out," Eugene gulped and I took his hand in mine. It was rather stormy night.

"Awww that's so sweet!" Captain Toothiana cheered.

"Heck I'm taking out if we survive!" Bunnymund gulped once the oxygen masks dropped down. The beeping got loud inside the plane. Every warning light was on.

"North," Captain Frost called simply. His voice didn't hesitate.

"Get out Frost. We need support," Captain North sounded like he was panicking. I watch how Captain Frost gets up from his seat, he buckles up his dog. While doing this, he doesn't stumble.

"By my calculations we will crash in less than two minutes," Hiro whispered with his hitching breath.

"That's what you've been doing!" Eugene shouted.

"Open up the hatch," Captain Frost said. He had gone to the rear of the plane. My eyes widened when the hatch opened. Then he just simply walked forward, suddenly the airwave sucked him out from the plane. And they closed the hatch.


"Just calm down fucking scaredy cat," Captain Frost groaned. "I'm working with the storm," he then continued.

"Thanks Frost," Captain North sighed. The shaking of the plane ended. I guess he is out there controlling the wind and snow.

The wheels of the plane hit the ground and everyone hoorayed. "Thank the heavens," Captain Bunnymund gulped.

Everyone got out and then we saw him. He stood outside the plane, the snow storm was raging outside but... we were inside this sphere, where storm couldn't reach. There was no wind, no snowing. And in middle of this all Captain Frost stood with his hands inside his pockets.

Captain Toothiana brought Captain Frost his dog, gun and equipment. I glance at Hiro and then we got our dogs, Olaf and Baymax, out from their cages. After getting our weapons and bags we insecurily approach Captain Frost.

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