6 Butterfly

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POV Shawn

My phone woke me up by it's aggressive ringing. I yawn widely and grab it from my bedside table. I glance at the number and roll my eyes.

"What's up Flounder?" I reply.

"That's not a good way to respond to phone. How about a hello?" Flounder sighed.

"Hello and that's not the way to introduce yourself when you call to someone," I teased him. I lean my head to my arm which I'm holding behind my neck. It's already noon.

"Haha, really funny. Curse these smartphones!" Flounder groaned.

"Yeah so, why did you wake me up?"  I say and ruffle my hair.

"First of all to check how you are doing? Those girls did take you home? Oh! How's your mom?" He laughed.

"I'm doing okay, yes they did and moms probably at work," I reply quickly.

"Speaking of work... shouldn't you be teaching at university?" Flounder mumbled.

"Nah, I have free day because it's weekend stupid," I chuckle.

"Oh yeah.. Well I do work on weekends," Flounder laughed.

"Yup. So can I come to play piano this evening at the pub?" I ask carefully. My fight with him might not be seen in a good light.

"Well the bartender wasn't that mad because you didn't break anything. It was close though. You should really keep your mind steady," Flounder said strictly.

"I know but I really hate him!" I gritted my teeth together.

After long preaching from Flounder we hang up. He was always looking after me, we've been hanging together ever since we  were kids. Now even more because his best friend Ariel is engaged.

When I got downstairs I look at the photo frame over the fireplace. Elsa, who is actually a really nice girl despite being in the military, was watching it yesterday. Taking it out from sight is really fascinating me.

Jackson was always reckless idiot. I was the responsible one and came to live with mom after everything. Everyone around the house was always praising the greatness of army. The place where death is evident.

I sigh as  I open up the fridge to get something for breakfast. There's nothing that can fix up things between me and Jack, nothing. Nothing at all to make up what he has done.

POV Elsa

Wednesday. Last weekend was a nice little cheer up after long week. Well, now the week has begun again and lasted for two days already. Two painful days of mental and physical beating. It's like he doesn't want me here. And he really doesn't want me here.

This day frightens me the most though. It's the day we practice hand-to-hand combat. Guys were excited to practice it again. We've had it few times but I've always got knocked down.

Now I hope that my evening practices with Fa Mulan have paid off. Merida recommended her and she really made me go to my limits.

"First I want to see Miss Arendelle getting a reminder how pathetic she is. Go and fight with Hamada, try to knock him down," Captain Frost laughed and glared at me. He was so distant and hateful feeling again.

"I really wouldn't want to beat you up again," Hiro whispered when we stood in front of each other.

I smile faintly at him as he bows to me. He does this every time before indulging into battle. "It's okay Hiro. Just don't go easy on me," I tell him as I spread my legs.

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