10 Hooded Hunter

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Pov Elsa

 It has been a long day. Tomorrow is Saturday which means that I will have a break at last. Today at practice I got my face in the dirt. Literally. Well, actually it was mud because it was a rainy day.

Captain Frost was his own brutal self today. He made me crash into the ground. He just laughed when his weird windlike power blew my hair open from tight bun, strands of my hair took visuality away. End result everyone knows but I hit my foot on fence. Yeah, he made us jump over fences while running.

This time Captain didn't mock at me but hours later his thrilled laughter stilk echoes in my ears. Gladly I'm on my way to bar to drink away the anger. Shawn is going to meet me up soon, I'm so going to dig some delicate information of our captain from him.

Some dirty details are needed so I can break him good. He needs a lesson. No matter what has happened to him before, he is still a jerk. This was the last time he can treat me like this. It took me ages to get the sand out from my face and body after my dive.

Every friend of mine had already left to their homes. Anna and I agreed that she would pick me up tomorrow morning. I asked her for that because i had something to do. That something is Shawn. He is my new weapon.

When I was in the bar where people usually hang out I noticed how empty it actually was. Most of people have gone go visit their family probably. While waiting I order a drink and once it was ready I went to sit.

It was getting late and I reached to my phone to check if Shawn had left me any message of why he hasn't come yet. When I was about to open up my phone it started ringing.

It was Shawn.

"Hey where are you? I've been waiting for like 30 minutes already,"I insisted after he had introduced himself.

"Yea, about that... umm... I got a call just before from a friend. He had got sick and he plays at local orchestra. They really need a pianist today. I'm sorry Elsa. We could meet up three hours from now?" Shawn explained and sounded like he was really sorry.

I sigh and admit my defeat silently.

"It's fine. I'm at barrack then. Give me a call and we can take a late night walk together. Okay?" I smile a bit.

"Yup. See you then!" Shawn laughed. Then I heard the clicking sound when call ended.

I had to cool myself down by drinking the cocktail which bartender did. Something in his laughter captured me and I couldn't tell what.

"Well since I'm on my free time few drinks won't kill me," I mumbled by myself.

Loneliness and isolation wasn't new to me. Who could guess that just while ago I got out from my chosen imprisonment at home. Everything wasndone to protect Anna who in the end risked her own life to save me. The end result was us becoming family again. Now it's my turn to do something good for others, this is why I won't quit my training.

My eyes wander around looking at the people around the bar. Most of them I've seen in the base. One figure was different from the picture. And I've seen him before. The hooded figure that was sitting alone, in isolation.

The memory of the hooded figure kissing my neck makes my breathing shallow, my reason told me to stay hell out. However my curiosity won. I drank down rest of my third sweet tasting cocktail and I walk over to him.

When I stand in front of him, he just ignores me. He has nearly empty whiskey bottle in front of him and he pours another glass which he empties at one go.

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