32 The Sun Stone

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POV North

They have crowded my hideout, everywhere I look there are people. Even at my crafting shop.

"Not now Phil," I say to my servant who groans while holding something, that has been broken. He drags his feet while he leaves and I chuckle a bit. Sometimes I wonder if a wife would've been easier to deal with than a mute hairy servant to keep my home intact.

"Are you going to see Colonel Moon?" Toothiana questioned when she flickered to fly next to me.

"Yes, we should consider a counterstrike and take back the base," I mumbled.

"I think we are safer with a new base," Toothiana laughed nervously and I pause my walking.

"Maybe but this is a matter of our honor," I said in proud tone before I knocked the door.

"Come in," Colonel Moon said inside the room.

They had patched up his chest, a black scythe had cut through his skin and nearly made him bleed to death.

"We just picked up Shawn and Sarah," Toothiana chirped when she went to sit next to Colonel Moon's bed.

"That's good. How are they doing?" Colonel Moon smiled.

"Well your wife is demanding to see you and she is furious of why Jack isn't here too," Toothiana laughed and waved her feet while sitting.

"I can explain that to her but... I doubt that North came to just to see how I'm doing?" Colonel Moon raised his eyebrow and looks at me. His blue eyes had dark circles around them and he had been on his laptop which he had now closed.

"Actually I think that we need to take back our training camp and base to show the enemy that we are stronger and not afraid," I stated while slamming my fist on my hand.

Colonel Moon sighed and gave me a smile, "I understand the idea behind that but I have another thing in mind. You see, I've been informed that the dark shadows have been appearing in different places like in San Fransoskyo and now they are moving towards Corona."

"What are they after?" I wondered aloud while my hand brushed over my beard.

"I don't know but I'm afraid that they want the rare sunstone from Corona. We need to gather the remains of our special team and go and protect it. You should take the newbies with you too," Colonel Moon ordered and I nodded my head.

"So we call Frost back too?" I replied.

"And Arendelle, I doubt that he would return without his partner. She has finally showed her ice and snow powers so she will be a good help for you. Also get Hamada, DunBroch, Fitzherbert, Tomago, Hofferson and Haddock to join with you. I'll ask Rapunzel Corona to stay at her home and protect the sunstone until you have arrived," Colonel Moon said nervously.

"What if we lose the stone?" I asked.

It made Colonel Moon sigh loudly, "I don't know honestly. I have no idea what a creature of darkness would do with a sunstone but it can't be good. Now everyone must hurry."

"I'll stay here Colonel to take care of the things," Toothiana smiled.

"That's kind Toothiana and maybe it is a good idea since there are some inexperienced soldiers staying in the perimeter," Colonel Moon said in acceptance.

"Excuse me, I'll make the arrangements," I said while leaving the room. It had been my craftshop before but now it was put into hospital room for Colonel Moon who tried to protect everyone when we fled from the base.

I went into the communications room which was set in my living room. "Give me the NL," I demanded when I sat on the couch.

"Sure mate, but what will you do?" Bunny asked as he handed the communication device.

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