Bonus Chapter: Royal Guard

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I really miss this book so I decided to write you guys a bonus chapter. Let's see if I still can do this xD.

Also... please check out "new" books <3 .

Eternal Sorrow of a Knight

St. Burgess hospital AU

Also...been working with Jurassic Park Jelsa AU...if anyone is interested?


Working at Royal Guards

(while Jack's been training and working under Elsa's royal guardsmen without her knowing it).

POV Jack

"Hey! Your shift is about to start" A guard patted my shoulder and I look up after quickly hiding a picture.

"Ah, okay," I hum and get up from my bed bunk.

After I grab my jacket on I brush my hand through my hair and place the helmet on. It's rather uncomfortable but I'm ready to do anything to see alright in her eyes. There are so many things which I wish to change but I can't.

I walk out from the soldiers quarters with my partner. First we patrol around the yard, then we will stand in guard by the gates.

After standing still for half of my shift I glance towards the castle tower where I knew that her bedroom was. She was probably there, practicing for the ceremony. Ceremony where she would finally acknowledge me as Guard's Commander.

"Elsa... I didn't want to leave yet" I heard Elsa's sister Anna complaining.

I quickly look down to my feet and hold my breath as the steps get closer and closer.

"I really am busy Anna... and having tummy aches from too much chocolate doesn't sound good," Elsa spoke and her voice literally stopped my heart for a moment. Oh how I had ached to see her from up close or to hear her voice.

"But the chocolate festival is once a year!" Anna groaned.

"We can arrange another one after the ceremony so please... I need to concentra--- TEE" Elsa suddenly shouted and I noticed how she had tripped down to her feet.

She was still the same, after all this time.

I moved quickly and managed to catch her. She squeezed my uniform tightly.

"W-wow..." Anna exhaled next to us.

"T-thank you," Elsa gulped and stood up straight. I wanted to pull that warmth back.

"Don't leave your post," my partner suddenly hissed quietly. I keep avoiding eye contact with them by looking down and not saying a word.

"Do I ... know you from somewhere? This smell like..." Elsa wondered and I felt her hand touching my helmet.

Quickly I shook my head and pulled out the bag of mints from my pocket. I hand some of it over to her while my hand shakes from nervousness.

"Speak to your Queen when she talks to you," my partner whispered again.

Elsa's tiny fingers grabbed a mint and she ate it. "I guess...that this was a coincidence... there's no way that he... oh, anyway. Don't worry about it" Elsa spoke but I heard the sadness in her voice.

"You should ask him for hot chocolate as a thank know how you wanted to get to know everyone from the kingdom, about starting from him since you practically crashed against him?" Anna teased her, judging from the way she spoke. Still it didn't seem like either of them noticed that I was here in disguise.

"Anna.." Elsa hissed at her sister and I took a step back and turned around.

"She wants you to come over for hot chocolate mr!" Anna cheered and grabbed my jacket which stopped me.

My partner facepalmed "of course he will come if her majesty requests. Right?!"

Slowly I nod my head and turn back around again. I follow them to the castle and inside. They were walking in front of me so I dared to look higher. Elsa had her hair in messy ponytail on her side, her dress was sparkling and blue. She was beautiful, even from this angle.

"Hey. Are you new?" Anna suddenly asked and looked over her shoulder . I quickly look back down.

This was the perfect angle to see her hips swaying from side to side as she walked since I could just see her butt.

"Mm..." I hum and nod my head as a yes.

"Oh, he is shy!" Anna giggled and owwed when Elsa elbowed her.

"Stop teasing our guards!" Elsa lectured her sister.

They brought me into a nicely decorated living room, well one of them.

"Please sit," Elsa asked and I saw her hand pointing towards a chair.

I sit down, still having my eyes directed towards the floor. Anna left the room when the hot chocolate was brought. She said something about taking one mug to Kristoff.

"Sorry about my sister, she is a bit...energetic," Elsa laughed.

"It's nothing my queen," I hum and try to alter my voice.

I notice the feeling changing in the room. I look up and see her staring at her mug with glazed expression.

"What's wrong your highness?" I say with deeper tone than my actual voice is.

"Oh, sorry...I spaced off" Elsa hummed and I quickly look back down when she was focused again. "It's just what you said...someone I knew sounded like that. Someone I loved... still do."

"Hmm...." I hum and squeeze my mug.

"It's not that I don't love my kingdom but this man...well... There's no one else I would want to rule with," she let out a deep sigh.

"Rule with," I repeat in my altered tone as a disgusted cringe forms on my face.

"Yes. He may have been rough by the edges but he had the kindest heart deep down," Elsa said and didn't sound much queen like.

Fighting against a blush was getting almost impossible. She was still holding the pendant which I gave her.

"I should get back to my position," I mumble and place the mug back on the coffee table, untouched.

"Oh...right," Elsa spoke and sounded distracted.

I excuse myself and walk to the door.

"Could we chat again? I know that guards cannot tell what they hear and...well... you remind me of someone so I feel like I can open up even a bit."

Elsa's voice had a tint of pain which made me stop. I was about to refuse but when my head was telling me other and heart other, heart won.

"Ofcourse--," I said while talking from deep of my throat but when I opened the door and it creaked I added, "--my queen."

I didn't change my voice on that moment. She had probably heard it but dismissed it as her hearing what she wanted. At least she couldn't hear what I promised with all of my heart while I was walking back to the gate through the empty corridors.

I love you and once I meet you that day when you give me your blessing to work as Guard's Commander. That's when I will ask for something greater so I don't have to leave your side ever again. This demon has corrupted your heart but you my angel, have left a lantern of hope burning inside this demons chest. It's so warm and comforting... I guess we need each other. My Queen....wait for me just a bit longer.

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