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Darian grabbed Lena's arm before she could go farther away from him, she tried to jerk her arms away from his grip, but he was stronger.

"Let go of me, Darian!" She yelled, her expression stern and grim.

"Hey, I know that you are mad at me." He said.

"Of course, I am. So, you should get the fuck out and go back to where you are coming from. Go back to where you went for two days and never bothered to call, text, or pick up my calls when I called you. I was here worrying about you and all you could do was snub me. Isn't it?" She chewed her lips, stretching out her hand to Darian who had a confused expression marring his face.

He knew that she was mad at him and he honestly didn't know where and how to start.

"I had to leave that night, Lena." He said calmly.

She folded her arms against her chest, not replying to him. "So, why did you ignore me for days? I thought we were one already. Did you have to do that?" She headed towards the lounge and he followed swiftly behind.

"I didn't ignore you, Lena. You know that I would never do that." Darian responded.

"Then what happened?" She hated that she was acting calmly around him now. She had planned to be hard on him whenever he was back, but his face, voice and softness just messed with her head and she couldn't help but find herself wanting him again.

"Judson got into a deep mess that affected the Dawson family Mafia. I was arrested and was in police custody for two days until our name was cleared." He gently rubbed his fingers on his forehead, his eyes furrowing in worry.

Lena stepped back. Taking two steps forward, she moved closer to Darian and touched him. "How? I thought you stopped all illegal activities. And what have the cops got on you, Darian?" She asked worriedly, checking him out as they spoke.

"I can't stop all illegal activities, okay? The Mafia is dirty, but Judson did some more dirty things that got us into deep trouble. I had to take the blame for him because he had to be with his wife who just delivered a child." Darian shrugged his shoulders. "I have been there for questioning, and it went on for days. My phones were taken away from me and that was why I couldn't get to you, Lena. I am so sorry." He sighed, taking her hand and pulling her closer. She didn't fight him anymore, she let him hold her. She had missed his touch so badly.

"I thought you forgot that I am your wife, Darian." She whispered into his ears. I was worried and I cried so much. She let out sniffles, tears dropping down her cheeks. "Why would the cops arrest you?"

"I already explained, Lena." He smiled, arranging her hair. He cupped her cheeks in his hands and stared into her eyes. "I wouldn't have stayed longer but I did to avoid future harassment."

"Did they do anything to you?" She checked his body for injuries.

He smiled and said, "Nothing, I am fine. I was just so worried about you." He kissed her forehead, then traced kisses down her cheeks. "I missed you so much, Lena." He muttered and tears slipped down her cheeks.

She had been so incomplete without him, her life had been void and almost meaningless in his absence, but now that he was with her, she felt whole and was living again.

"I love you, Darian." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Why would you turn yourself in place of Judson? He's your enemy and doesn't care about you." She frowned. "I am certain he wouldn't do the same if he was in your shoes."

"Lena, I had to take his fall. His wife needed him."

"And don't I need you too? You were about to make love to me before you left the house and you didn't show up for two days. Don't I miss you too? Am I not your wife? Don't I want my husband to be with me too?"

"You do, and I do need you too. But sometimes, we have to do the needful. I am back home, unharmed and no member of the Dawson family was harmed too. And that's all that matters to me as the Don." He told her. She nodded her head, not agreeing with him, but she didn't argue further. All that mattered was that her husband was back to her. "I am sorry, Lena. I would never leave you alone, you know that, don't you?" He rubbed his hand on her derriere and she smiled.

"Darian, this is too much for you. Don't you think so?" She asked.

"It isn't, I am only doing what I have to do as the Don of the family."

"I get worried all the time. I am never fine whenever you are out there, I get so worried and fear that you wouldn't return to me, Darian. I am so scared of losing you, I would not live without you." She looked at him, holding his gaze. "Darian, you mean so much to me. I am scared of losing you someday."

"Hey," he shushed her. Smiling, he said, "You will never lose me, Lena. You mean the world to me, you are my top priority and no matter what I do, I will always come back home to you. You are my destination, Lena. You are my home. With you, I find peace and I will never give up on that." He kissed her lips gently. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Darian." She raised her head to meet his lips and once again, they nibbled on each other's lips as if their lives depended on it.

"We were somewhere before I left the house that day." He said teasingly. "Can we start from there?" He sought her permission and she nodded her head in approval.

Darian smiled. He heaved her up, heading into the bedroom to continue from where he stopped with her.


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