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Darian walked into the bedroom. Lisa was sitting next to Lena on the bed. It'd been two days since he called Lisa over to help him out.

Lena hadn't recovered, she was still sulking. She has refused to eat, or go to the hospital for treatments. All she did was sleep, cry, think, and intensified the fact that she wanted to leave Darian's house.

"How is she?" Darian asked Lisa whose gaze was on her best friend.

"She's sleeping for now," Lisa responded. "She refused to eat, but I will prepare oats for her when she wakes up. She likes oats," she smiled, her eyes moving to Darian. "And you, are you okay?" She queried.

He nodded in response, but Lisa didn't believe he was fine. He had not gone out of the house since she arrived, he had stayed with Lena at every point, and his eyes were fatigued.

He didn't look okay.

"You should get some sleep too, your eyes are sapped from stress," Lisa said. "I will watch over her, you don't have to worry." She assured Darian.

"I think you should go prepare the oats for her, I will dab her head with the napkin." He sat on the stool. "Is she still hot?"

"Yes, just press the napkin to her head like this." She demonstrated with a smile on her face. "Not too hard to avoid waking her," she handed the napkin to Darian and leaped up. "I will be right back," she patted his back, heading towards the door to get some oats for Lena.

Lena rolled on the bed, wincing as she moved. Her eyes were shut, she stopped rolling and slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry, she didn't want to open her eyes back to her reality. She made a sound, shutting her eyes back.

"Lena, can you hear me?" Darian gently pressed the wet napkin against her forehead. "If you can hear me, I want you to know that I miss you so much."

He got no response from her, "I know you wanted the baby, losing it had taken a toll on you. But do you know that we can make more babies? More babies who will be just as beautiful as you are?" He smiled to himself.

He had been reading a lot of articles about women and pregnancy. He understood she was depressed and needed time to heal. "We can try again and make twins as our first babies, what do you think?" He leaned down to kiss her cheeks. "If you don't want twins, we can make triplets. We can make as many babies as you want, a lot of cute babies. So, you don't have to fret. I am always here for you and with you." He took her hands, still dabbing her forehead with the napkin.

"These days have been so tough without you, Lena. I feel like I'm suffocating," he stopped pressing the napkin against her forehead. His eyes settled on her tummy, he gently moved his hand down and rubbed her belly button. Lena rolled in her sleep and her eyes flicked open at once. "Lena," he jerked when she glared at him like he was an intruder. "Hey," he touched her shoulders, she shook her head and laid back on the bed.

"Go away," she muttered, pressing a pillow to her ears. "Oh, Lisa should take me out of here already." She whined, whirling to the other side of the bed.

Darian's heart broke whenever she talked about leaving his house. He wondered if she didn't have any feelings toward him anymore that she so badly wanted to leave him alone. It hurt him so much that she didn't want him to stay beside her.

"Did she wake up?" Lisa's voice caused Darian to flinch.

"Yes, she did and told me to go away. That's the only thing she's been saying since she got the news." He said, shrugging.

"She's not in the best mood now, you should understand that." Lisa placed the bowl of oats on the stool, she sat on the side that was closer to Lena and drew the stool closer to herself.

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