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A small smile formed at the corner of Darian's lips, "My husband, I think I can call you that now. You are my husband, Darian." He wiggled his head, her beautiful handwriting clearly disseminated in the note.

He sighed and held the diary closer, "The first time I met you was not the best, but now I feel like I want to be with you every moment of my life, I don't want to ever live a second without you, I need you to survive, do you feel the same way?" Darian read out. Wriggling his head, he answered subconsciously, he felt the same way too, he needed her to survive. Without Lena, his life was desolate.

"I have heard people say that sometimes the one you loathe the most can turn out to be the only one you want in the world. Darian, you were a motherfucking bastard the first time I met you, yes, a motherfucking bastard, that was what I termed you as when I saw you in my house, threatening my sick father, I hated you so much. If I had a gun, you'd have probably been dead by now because I wouldn't hesitate to shoot your ass." He grinned, that was his wife.

"Even as much as I loathed you then, I couldn't deny the fact that you're the most beautiful man I have seen all my life. A beautiful devil!" He smiled again. "You were vicious, your demeanor oozed danger, I felt I would burn if I came close to you. I did burn, I burn for you, Darian. Well, that's after many months of getting married to the beautiful devil."

"I never wanted to have anything to do with you. When my father asked me to marry you, I felt my whole world crumbling down before, and I couldn't pick my pieces together. I thought it was finished, but I never imagined being with you would be the beginning of the most beautiful moments of my life. I don't want to imagine how my life would have turned out if I didn't marry you. I think getting married to you has to be the most beautiful thing that has happened to me since I was born. Okay, I would not exaggerate, I don't want my words to get into your brains," she drew a smiley emoji below that paragraph. Darian turned to the next page and continued.

"I am glad I gave us a chance to work out. It wasn't easy loving you, but it's all worth it. You are a good man, but one has to be with you to see the good side of you. I wouldn't have known how amazing you are if I didn't break down my walls to get closer to you, Darian. You do have your bad side, but no one is perfect. We all have flaws we deal with and for two people to love each other, they have to tolerate some flaws, correct some flaws together and help each other get better. You are not just my husband, you are my helper. You've helped me become a better version of myself and I am certain, I have helped you in some ways too. Hey, don't you think we complement each other?"

"Our marriage is full of ups and downs, but we always have each other at the end of it all. Ours is not the best in the world, but it is the best in our own world, you complete me in every way, you make me feel loved, you do things that make me yearn for you more and more. I don't know why I am writing this letter, but sometimes, I don't know how I can express what I feel about you. I recently discovered that writing my feelings down made me feel better and that's why I have been writing notes about you."

He flipped to the next page and heaved a long sigh. He wasn't the type to read long notes, but Lena had got him bad, he wanted to read every detail that was written in that letter.

He noticed the date of the new page was different from the others he had been reading.

"Today, I snapped some pictures of you and I am so thankful to God that you are my man! Proudly mine alone. Now, I will continue with the letter. I love your arms that shield whenever I feel lost, I love how you gaze at me like I am the most precious human on earth. I love the fact that you always listen to whatever I have to say even when it doesn't have anything to do with what you know. You just love to listen to me and that makes you a good man."

"I can go on and on to write about you every day, Darian. I will never stop. We can make our own life into a very beautiful movie. Now, I want to thank you for giving us a chance and for being the man that you are for me alone. I don't know if this is early to declare, but after that night we consummated our marriage, I was certain of the fact that I am crazily in love with you, my husband. I hope you don't see this part though." He stopped reading, closing his eyes, he imagined Lena was close to him. He wished she was with him, he wanted to feel her, touch her and look into her eyes as she said those words to him.

"I wish we will forever be happy with each other. Every marriage comes with its complications. Ours have gone through so much and I believe there are a lot more hurdles to go through together in the future. I hope we can survive whatever will come our way together and always be there for each other. Darian, have you ever thought of how beautiful our babies will look? I guess you haven't, but I have been thinking about them lately and I hope we have one soon." He understood why she had been sulking better now, She had been thinking about them so much, their babies too.

"I want a girl as my first child, a chubby baby." Darian chuckled when he read that part. "What about you? What gender do you want first? I hope to ask you this question someday. I hope we will always be together, your pretty wife cares so much about you and hey, I am not done here, I will still write something else about you."

"I will tell our kids how amazing their dad is," he read aloud.

He turned over to the next page, "Hey everyone, Darian Dawson is my husband and I am Lena Dawson. Such a cute name." He grinned, she must have been bored when wrote that. He thought.

"I have a question for you, Darian. How much do I mean to you?" He read the last part of the letter.

Darian clutched the diary in his hands when he was done reading everything Lena wrote about them.

He grumbled, he couldn't bear her absence anymore. He needed her around him, he wanted all of her. He didn't care if he'd act selfishly, but he wanted his wife back in his house.

He dropped the diary on the bed, wandering the room to get his car keys from the vanity table. He stormed out of the room without getting the clothes Lisa asked him to bring along. He was determined to bring Lena back home and take care of her by himself; she wasn't going to stay one more night at Lisa's house. He felt he would lose it if he didn't bring her back home.

He was not just the one who completed her, she completed him as well. She was everything that he needed. Darian didn't want to risk losing her, not after reading her letter to him. She stated that she was in love with him, a couple of women had told him the same in the past, but none of them had an effect on him the way Lena did. He wasn't certain if he was in love with her too, but he knew he wanted her, he needed her to survive. He could heal her broken heart, he would fix it, he would stay with her.

He ordered the bodyguards to open the gate for him, he got into his car,and drove out of his house at a very fast speed.

He didn't care what was going to happen, he was bringing Lena back to their home, her home tonight. She belonged there, she belonged with him, no one but him.

She was the reason he could call his mansion home. He turned towards the road that led to Lisa's house, he had to bring his wife back home. Clutching the steering wheel harder, he went on fast with thoughts of Lena in his mind, he couldn't wait to answer her last question in the letter she wrote for him.


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